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Feb 2012
Some sellers recently may have started receiving unexpected email notifications along these lines:


Notification sent to [Your Display Name Here]


This is a notification that for the transaction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, we were unable to notify your server at http://www.example.com/some/path.html as we we received the error: HTTP Error 404

This is occurring because we have recently improved our error reporting for sellers using our optional custom/3rd-party Integration feature documented here:


The Integration feature itself has not changed, so if you haven't recently added/changed your Integration URL settings and are suddenly receiving these new error reports "out of the blue", that indicates you have an invalid Integration URL setting that never worked properly with this feature, which previously wasn't getting reported due to the type of error, rather than anything that just stopped working right now. This would not have affected our ability to process orders for you, because this optional feature only forwards the order data to an external server for additional custom needs after we're already done processing the order for you.

To fix this, look in your Seller Admin > Account Preferences > Common Notification URL, and/or the Payment Variable Information URL in the settings of any product with Send Transaction Data to a URL enabled. When you find the URL referenced by the error notification, you can just delete that URL. Remember to click Next (if necessary) until you can Submit changes.

Many of these new error notifications may be getting sent to sellers who simply misunderstood what these URL settings were for, so they guessed at putting something like a normal Web page URL or an email address in there, neither of which could do anything with the data this feature would transmit to it. We cleaned up most of the obvious mistakes of this nature before going live with the new error reporting, but a few of you out there apparently had some less-obvious mistakes that we overlooked. If you have any concerns, feel free to forward your new error notifications to us for further advice:


  • created

    Feb '12
  • last reply

    May '14
  • 5


  • 1.8k


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  • 6


9 months later

Hi there, I don't quite follow what would cause this, but it's just happened to me. Someone is ordering a DVD through ejunkie + Trepstar, I got this email about it (below). I have two DVD's, both have the same mentioned URL and the other DVD order seems to be working okay. This persons order has not been sent to Trepstar it seems. What could be the problem, something on Trepstars end? (I have a suspicion it might, because a payment I made to them earlier today still hasn't processed, so perhaps their site isn't working properly)


"This is a notification that for the transaction 4Y588895U26807748, we were unable to notify your server at https://www.trepstar.com/eJunkieGateway.asp?TSmode=prod&TSPub=36450 as we we received the error: HTTP Error 404

POST /eJunkieGateway.asp?TSmode=prod&TSPub=36450 HTTP/1.1

Pragma: no-cache

Accept: /

Host: www.trepstar.com

Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Content-Length: 1925"

The error message would point to a problem on the end of Trepstar's site or server. The URL you have setup for us to send data to is not there. I would suggest checking with Trepstar to verify the URL is still available.

1 year later

Greetings Fearless Leader...I received an error message #302.

I read on the formu about 'Server Not Notified' and followed instruction that brought me to 'Account Prefs'...Common Notification URL and found that URL to be erroneous. I pasted one in that is an actual page on my site where I want buyers to be sent after the purchase.

I also confirmed my email address URL and it was also wrong so I re-did it. I hope this is a fix for Error 302.

Do you have an oopinion on this?

Here is what I received from you:

This is a notification that for the transaction 56V878752M680831D, we were unable to notify your server at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox as we we received the error: HTTP Error 302

POST /mail/u/0/#inbox HTTP/1.1

Pragma: no-cache

Accept: /

Host: mail.google.com

Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Content-Length: 2589

Me again...thank you (as always) for your excellent assistance. I'm enjoying this learning process thanks to you all at e-junkie.


Accidentally hit 'POST' twice and this is the edited version of the duplicate...sorry 'bout that!


The common notification URL is where we send notifications, not the buyer. The buyer should never see your notification URL at all. The purpose of a notification URL is to send order information to a particular location.

What in particular are you trying to accomplish by sending notifications to https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox ? That just goes to Gmail, not even your Gmail account. Just Gmail in general.

If you could tell us what you are trying to do with the notification we may be able to point you in the right direction to find the URL you need to provide there.