PayPal is still performing maintenance, there will be more downtime tonight: status/mts_updates/blog/2011/06/17/notification-planned-downtime-during-jun-17-emergency-maintenance--pp-live-2125

NOTIFICATION: We will be performing an emergency system maintenance. Please be advised that PayPal website ( ) and PayPal APIs (including Express Checkout) will experience a service interruption for approximately 15 minutes. During this time the majority of API requests will not complete and will fail with error 10001 (Internal Error) or time out. PayPal customers will not be able to login to their accounts on .

Sent Jun 17, 4:53 PM PDT by ASR

Emergency Maintenance start time: Jun 17, 11:00 PM PDT (Jun 18, 6:00 AM GMT)

Emergency Maintenance end time: Jun 17, 11:30 PM PDT (Jun 18, 6:30 AM GMT)

Other services that will be down during this time include:

* Website Payments Pro Payflow Edition - API requests will not complete and may fail with errors 1000 (Generic host error), 102 (Processor not available), 104 (Timeout waiting for processor response), 109 (Timeout waiting for host response).

We will send an update right before the start of the service interruption, and another when our services are back up.
  • created

    Jun '11
  • last reply

    Jun '11
  • 1


  • 1.4k


  • 1


  • 5


The maintenance has been completed. status/mts_updates/blog/2011/06/17/completed-planned-downtime-during-jun-17-emergency-maintenance--pp-live-2125;jsessionid=60F98605ACB16F4F36D7B8FB21131D1D.node0

COMPLETED: The maintenance completed at June 17, 11:45 PM PDT (Jun 18, 6:45 AM GMT, 7:45 AM UK and 8:45 AM Central Europe).

Sent Jun 17, 11:47 PM PDT by BA

UPDATE 2: The planned downtime started at 11:08 PM PDT (06:08 AM GMT) and ended at June 17, 11:28 PM PDT (June 18, 6:28 AM GMT). Our site is back up and running, however the maintenance activities are still in progress and we will provide another update in 15 minutes or as soon as the maintenance is complete.

Sent Jun 17, 11:29 PM PDT by BA

UPDATE 1: Please be advised that the planned downtime will start at 11:00 PM PDT (06:00 AM GMT, 07:00 AM UK & 08:00 AM Central Europe).

Sent Jun 17, 10:50 PM PDT by BA

NOTIFICATION: We will be performing an emergency system maintenance. Please be advised that PayPal website ( ) and PayPal APIs (including Express Checkout) will experience a service interruption for approximately 15 minutes. During this time the majority of API requests will not complete and will fail with error 10001 (Internal Error) or time out. PayPal customers will not be able to login to their accounts on .

Sent Jun 17, 4:54 PM PDT by ASR

Emergency Maintenance start time: Jun 17, 11:00 PM PDT (Jun 18, 6:00 AM GMT)

Emergency Maintenance end time: Jun 17, 11:30 PM PDT (Jun 18, 6:30 AM GMT)

Other services that will be down during this time include:

* Website Payments Pro Payflow Edition - API requests will not complete and may fail with errors 1000 (Generic host error), 102 (Processor not available), 104 (Timeout waiting for processor response), 109 (Timeout waiting for host response).

We will send an update right before the start of the service interruption, and another when our services are back up.