It looks like PayPal is currently having problems with their IPN, which means we aren't getting notified of processed payments. If you're having trouble with automatic delivery, this is the cause.
Here is the official notification from PayPal:
PayPal, Inc.
Merchant Technical Services Notification
[1] Notification
08/28 12:47 PM PDT (08/28 8:47 PM BST)
This notification is to inform you of the following issue.
- PayPal Live Site
Affected Product(s):
- Order Management (IPN / PDT)
Start Time:
- August 28, 2008 11:00 AM PDT (August 28, 2008 7:00 PM BST)
End Time:
- On-Going
During the time listed above you might now or have experienced the following:
You may have noticed delays in receiving IPNs since the Start Time mentioned in this notification.
Our technical teams are working diligently to resolve the issue. We will provide updates until the issue is resolved.
We apologize for any impact caused by this incident.
PayPal Merchant Technical Services
Contacting PayPal
If you have questions, contact PayPal Merchant Technical Services by going to and filing a ticket under Contact Support.
The original post can be found here: