I received an email on Jan 19th from a cart provider I use:
"As we reported in an earlier message Paypal are making some changes to their IPN system which requires all IPN handlers to be updated by February 2013. You have probably also received emails from Paypal about this. This is a reminder to download the free update for ______"
So they new about the change back in January!
The error messages from PayPal don't indicate whether or not the problem is related to those changes, but the current problem is that PayPal just isn't sending out IPNs at all.
Our system will be ready for the change when it does happen, and for the big rush of notices when PayPal resolves the issue and sends everything out. All the affected orders should be filled today.
I'm getting the paypal emails through to say there's an order but nothing from e-junkie. Luckily all the order details are in the paypal email, which means I can fill the order (send the file via email attachment), but it's a tad tricky and might not be feasible for those with a large number of orders.
I just checked my IPN settings with PayPal. It shows this:
Notification URL https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/ipnext.php
Message delivery Enabled
Is this all correct?
purplepixi - If you can fill your orders manually feel free to do so, for those who have too many transactions to handle manually they should still all get processed as soon as PayPal fixes the error.
TonyK - Your settings look good, normally we actually give the notification information to PayPal by other means but that notification URL will work and your IPNs are Enabled so now it's just a matter of waiting for PayPal.
PayPal's latest update indicates some "marginal improvement" but the issue remains open. It sounds like some notices are at least going out now.
Having exact same issue. Had to process two orders manually this morning.
Here's a suggestion. Instead of tweeting the absolute garbage nonsense on the eJunkie twitter feed, you could post notices about issues such as this, that actually relate to your service. It was the first place I checked and here are your last three HIGHLY USEFUL tweets:
Valentine's Day For All : 15 Funny And Sarcastic Quotes
Entrepreneurs and Their Look-Alike
Typography Posters Featuring Iconic Characters and Quotes
It makes we wonder why I bother to follow @eJunkie at all.
https://www.x.com/content/update-5-issue-receiving-instant-payment-notifications-ipns-jan-27 UPDATE 5: We have implemented a fix and IPNs for transactions processed after Jan 28, 10:47 AM PST (Jan 28, 6:47 PM GMT) are being sent now. We are expecting IPNs for new transactions to start being delivered in near real-time within the next hour. We are also estimating that missing IPNs for transactions processed between Jan 27, 11:04 PM PST (Jan 28, 7:04 AM GMT) and Jan 28, 10:47 AM PST (Jan 28, 6:47 PM GMT) will be delivered within the next 24 hours.
We will provide the next update by Jan 28, 3:30 PM PST (Jan 28, 11:30 PM GMT).
Sent Jan 28, 1:11 PM PST by SC
If you are selling downloads, you can use "Send free download link" in your Seller Admin to fulfill delayed orders manually, at least for impatient buyers who complain they don't want to wait for PayPal to catch up with sending us IPN for their payment. If you do this, you may also want to enter the PayPal Transaction ID for those orders in your "Block buyers/transactions" screen, so our system won't process the original order automatically once PayPal finally sends us the delayed IPN confirming payment for that order.
Thanks to everyone for your patience and understanding as we've all been waiting on PayPal to sort out the issue at their end. Suffice to say, this has been a most harrowing day for everyone involved on all sides, but it appears an end to the trouble is now clearly in sight.
UPDATE 7: We are continuing to deliver IPNs for transactions between Jan 27, 11:04 PM PST (Jan 28, 7:04 AM GMT) and Jan 28, 10:47 AM PST (Jan 28, 6:47 PM GMT).
We will provide the next update by Jan 28, 10:00 PM PST (Jan 29, 6:00 AM GMT).
Sent Jan 28, 6:51 PM PST by SC
UPDATE 6: IPNs for new transactions are currently being delivered in near real-time. We are currently deliverying the IPNs for transactions between Jan 27, 11:04 PM PST (Jan 28, 7:04 AM GMT) and Jan 28, 10:47 AM PST (Jan 28, 6:47 PM GMT). We expect to complete this within the next 24 hours.
We will provide the next update by Jan 28, 7:00 PM PST (Jan 29, 3:00 AM GMT).
Sent Jan 28, 3:28 PM PST by SC
I've noticed the system generating quite a number of suspected fraud warnings over the last few hours as the delayed IPNs finally come in from PayPal. As noted in our help page:
"Sometimes a price mismatch can happen innocently if you just so happened to change a product's price after the buyer had taken their order to checkout but before their payment was completed."
The few I researched all seem to fit this pattern, no doubt because of the huge delay in the IPN delivery. If you have orders that this happened to and don't want to fulfill them manually using the "send free link" feature, note that if you reset the price to the old price and have PayPal resend the IPN, as explained here:
Then our system should record and process them normally.
As far as PayPal's progress on catching up with the old IPNs, new transactions seem to be coming in anywhere from 1-9 minutes slow still, and the old ones are trickling in a good 20 hours behind. So if you edited your prices today, you might want to set them back now and save yourself some trouble until PayPal's IPN delivery is completely caught up.
Addendum: Note the fraud filter is only triggered if the amount of the payment is less than the current price. So if you lowered your prices, leave them lower, the older transactions won't have a problem when they show up. Furthermore, if you raised your prices and some sales were made after that, they won't have a problem being processed if you temporarily lower your prices back to their original values.
RESOLVED: The IPNs for transactions between Jan 27, 11:04 PM PST (Jan 28, 7:04 AM GMT) and Jan 28, 10:47 AM PST (Jan 28, 6:47 PM GMT) have been delivered.
This issue has been resolved as of Jan 29, 1:25 AM PST (Jan 29, 9:25 AM GMT).
I've just posted a summary of the issue and where things stand, along with some helpful/informative related links, in this other forum thread:
As of 1:25am PST this morning, PayPal has caught up with sending their backlog of IPNs which were delayed due to the problems at their end yesterday morning, so we will not be receiving any more delayed IPNs from them, and we are now receiving IPNs for new payments almost immediately after checkout (as usual) and processing those orders accordingly.
If you are still seeing some completed payments in your PayPal account history which are not appearing in your E-junkie Transaction Log (indicating we have not received IPN for those orders and thus have not processed them), first see if this post may be relevant to your situation:
See if you can resend affected IPNs from your PayPal IPN History (after temporarily reversing any price changes you may have made yesterday, as described at the link above) -- see the third main bullet point here for instructions on how to resend IPNs:
If you cannot resend the affected IPNs from your IPN History, see if you can at least get a copy of the full IPN Message from there (click on the Message ID) for affected transactions and send that to our support team for further investigation:
If your main concern is just delivering any overdue download or code purchases, and you're not concerned about doing the troubleshooting described above to have our system process those orders automatically, you can use "Send free download link / code" in your Seller Admin to fulfill those orders manually.