80 / 81
Oct 2018

Our cart demos show how our cart and checkout pages appear. This one for PayPal Payments Pro offers buyers a choice of paying with PayPal or a card; if you add an item to the cart, choose the card option for payment, and click Proceed to Pay, you'll see our checkout screen for card payments (we provide dummy card info you can use to test a payment here):

If you'll be using a different payment service, you can select that in the green menu near the top of the page and test the checkout experience for that. At present, our 2Checkout integration redirects to a page on 2CO's site for final entry of card details, and PayPal Payments Standard presents the card payment option (if you will accept it) on PayPal's checkout site, but all the others use pretty much the same card checkout screen embedded in our shopping cart.

27 days later

Any update on adding a logo or at least some text at the top of the cart to identify the website?

I will have to inquire with Development about that, will followup here once I know more.

1 month later

I have switched to the new shopping cart and have been testing it for a couple of week. It looks better than the previous one.

However, no new transactions are registered in Google Analytic ecommerce tab. With the previous shopping cart, this was working fine.

The code on site is left exactly as it was before. The only thing changed was the switch given on ejunkies website to change the cart to the new one.

Is the new cart supposed to work with Google Analytics? If so, please advice so I can get mine working since without the analytics tracking the new cart will not be useful.

In addition as a side note, the font used for the amount of discount given is way too small. A customer can miss it easily. Instead it should be bold and prominent; after all you are giving a discount so should make it look significant.

Please also number the items sequentially so a customer can tell how many products are added to the cart. We have a discount system based on the number of items in the cart, so it helps a customer to know how many they have added and how much discount they get based on the quantity of products added.

It appears the GA tracking code in your sales pages do not exactly match the custom GA tracking code we provide on our tracking help page here:

Specifically, the code in your page has removed our line ejGATracker._setDomainName("none"); and added a custom line ejGATracker._setAllowHash(false); -- the former omission would break cross-domain tracking necessary for tracking continuity between your site domain and our thank-you page domain, and the latter addition may simply not work and might also possibly break our GA tracking integration.

14 days later

Thanks for the info. I have implemented the code as you suggested and have these instead:


Have been waiting for a week or two to accumulate some data. Even with the new code, no transactions are registered in Google analytics.

A recent update to our new cart seems to have broken its GA integration. It's not clear how long it may take Dev to resolve this issue, so if GA/Ecommerce Tracking is critical to you, we would recommend switching back to our classic cart until the issue is fixed in our new cart. I have confirmed the classic cart does still support this tracking integration as expected. You can use this link to switch between carts:

Thanks for the update. Will be switching back most likely as tracking is essential. It would be great if you could announce it once the issue is resolved.

Our new cart and new thank-you page when used together should now support GA integration -- see details here:

8 days later

Hi there, why the icons with WhatsApp and copy link? It looks like you advertise ejunkie on our shopping cart, at top should be our website not yours, and a way to be contacted us, and a live link to our website not yours. I was confused by the icons. You already have a link at the bottom.
Answer will be appreciated.

The new share icon (and SMS/WhatsApp icons on mobile devices) at the top of our new cart will allow a visitor to share the item(s) and any discount(s) in their cart with someone else, who could then access that shared link to start an identical order -- e.g., a buyer could put together an order of items they recommend and share that with a friend, or a seller could put together a combo deal and share it on social media to let buyers purchase it instantly.

Unfortunately, due to technical limitations this can only bring up the shared cart as a freestanding page; it's not possible to have it bring up a sales page on the seller's site and add the shared items to a cart there.

Thank you. Well I hope our customers know how to use those icons because I didn't.

11 days later

A recent update to our new cart appears to have introduced a problem with Internet Explorer. Fortunately, IE accounts for only about 3% of Web users these days, but if a significant number of your buyers happen to use IE, you can simply disable the new cart for your account here, once you're signed into Seller Admin: https://www.e-junkie.com/ej/beta_features.php4

We will post a followup here once the issue with IE is resolved.

15 days later

Our new shopping cart layout will now be used for all instances of our "fallback" cart that appears in a separate browser window/tab whenever the overlay-style cart cannot work for any reason (e.g., missing/garbled View Cart code, Javascript disabled in the buyer's browser, etc.), regardless of which cart version the seller has enabled for their account. Our standard overlay-style cart will still always correspond to the seller's cart-version preference.

One more update: whenever our overlay-style cart appears in a page with a regular http:// (non-secured) URL, the card checkout button in our cart will now redirect to secure checkout as a separate page, so buyers will have no question that their payment details are handled securely.

The card checkout button in our classic cart will now also bring up this new-style card checkout page.

In order to retain a card checkout embedded within our cart overlay in your sales page, you would need to enable secure-encrypted https:// URLs for your sales page(s) if not your entire site.

Will we ever be able to customize this new shopping cart at all? It would be nice to at least be able to add the website name and maybe modify the color scheme to match a website. Those two simple items alone would make it appear more integrated in the stand alone (not overlay) mode.

Eventually we plan to support an Admin setting to customize the new cart's highlight color (currently golden-yellow) and perhaps select an inverse (light on dark) color scheme.

We'd discussed showing your uploaded custom logo/header image or else Display Name when the cart appears in a separate window/tab, not sure what became of that, so have asked Dev about it now.

Aside from that, the new cart will probably never be as customizable as our classic cart; this was a necessary tradeoff to ensure the new cart would look good on as many sites as possible. The classic cart had started looking wonky in an increasing number of sites themed with heavy-handed CSS, so we changed how we embed the new cart overlay to a method that can't be affected by the site's own CSS.

6 months later
6 months later

As of our latest cart version 3 launched several weeks ago, we now support customizing the cart text and theme color with settings in E-junkie Dashboard under Manage Cart & Shop > Cart Preferences.