8 / 15
Apr 2015

We are pleased to announce that Beta testing has concluded for our long-awaited new Admin panel built in DHTML (HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript), which is now ready to go live for all users. Thanks to everyone who tested the Beta version and reported bugs, which turned out to be few and far between and have now all been ironed out.

We expect to roll this out as our standard Admin panel for all users early next week, at the same URL as the Beta, where you can preview the new Admin before it becomes your standard interface next week:


This also includes a new Admin panel for Affiliates, which you can preview here:


One notable change vs. the Beta admin is that the "protocol-relative" URLs (starting with just // rather than http:// or https://) we were providing in button codes there turned out to be problematic while editing or previewing pages in some Web page design software (though they worked fine once the page was made live), so we're now providing button codes using "https://" (SSL secured) for all URLs, which should work fine in any page whether they're secure-encrypted or not. If you'd pasted button codes from the Beta Admin, and those are working fine for you, there's no need to update those to the newest code.

If you haven't test-driven the Beta version already, you might be interested in reading our Release Notes from the Beta, explaining notable differences between our legacy Flash-based Admin panel vs. the new Admin:


  • created

    Apr '15
  • last reply

    Sep '15
  • 14


  • 2.2k


  • 7


  • 5


BTW, you may also notice we also rolled out a few updates to our site styling and layout this afternoon. This finally allows our site in general, along with the new Admin, to be fully "responsive" (a buzzword meaning it adapts to various screen sizes) for small mobile device screens like smartphones and tablets, and it paves the way for much more exciting and significant changes currently in the works and coming soon, which will modernize the look and feel of the E-junkie site and make it even more useful to help you use E-junkie to sell your goods online more effectively.

One late-breaking bug to be aware of:

For products using any digital delivery feature (Single File Download, Redirection, Send Stored/Generated Codes, or Bundle Other Products), if the product's Email Message field is left blank, Enable Templated Email always gets submitted as un-checked. This also affects un-checking the Product Thank-you Email Message checkbox (which actually just submits a blank Email Message with a checked Enable Templated Email).

This effectively means that the new Admin cannot disable the product-specific thank-you email message for digital products, and that editing such products in the new Admin would re-enable the product email if it had been disabled previously. You can still use our old standard Flash-based Admin to (re)disable the product email if desired.

This bug should be fixed in the next day or so, before we'd make the new Admin standard for everyone.

Nope! The new Admin is a drop-in replacement for our legacy Flash Admin, so they will share the same login session and back-end settings, and any existing button codes in your site will continue working just fine as-is.

You could even switch back'n'forth between the old and new Admins if you wish; however, it may be advisable to force-refresh the page in your browser whenever you switch from one version to the other -- to do this, hold the Ctrl key (on PC) or Shift (on Mac) while you click Reload/Refresh. In the unlikely event the new Admin somehow messes up a setting(and please report any such issue as a bug!), you should be able to fix it in the legacy Flash Admin.

I remember complaining about that Flash system to you guys almost 10 years ago. Thanks for finally slaying that beast!

You're quite welcome, and we're pretty glad to be doing away with it ourselves. Our founder has long said that if he could have done any single thing differently, it was that fateful decision to build the Admin in Flash in the first place. :^)

19 days later

We've now fixed the bug with disabling product-specific thank-you emails for digital products in the new Admin, so that should work fine now.

We're also getting pretty close to launching a major update to our site layout which will modernize the look'n'feel, so we've decided to extend the new Admin preview period until then, not least to make sure everyone has plenty of opportunity to acquaint themselves with the new interface before it becomes standard.

29 days later

I'd love an update as to when the new admin is going live. Understand you're ironing the bugs out before release but can't wait :slight_smile:

The new site layout is pretty much settled, and we're making good progress on getting that implemented, so we expect to launch the new site and the new Admin along with it next month. :^)

9 days later
17 days later

We're doing week-by-week development sprints to iron out the last wrinkles, so we should be ready to launch next month. :^)

1 month later

We are currently preparing to fully launch the new Admin for everyone, along with a major renovation to our overall site design, this Monday night (Sept. 7th), at the conclusion of the US Labor Day holiday weekend. The new Admin will inherit the new site styling (fonts, colors, etc.) and new page header/footer but otherwise retains the same general layout and behavior of settings and controls as you've already seen during the preview period. We're pretty stoked to say the least, and we think you'll be rather impressed as well. :^)