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Mar 2021

What is Zapier?

Zapier1 works as a "middleman" that lets you connect E-junkie to 1,500+ other web services1. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible.

How does it work?

We notify Zapier when we process a sale for you, then Zapier notifies whatever other service(s) you wish to perform additional post-checkout actions beyond the standard features we provide or other third-party services we already integrate with directly1.

Each Zap has one app as the Trigger where your information comes from (this would be an E-junkie sale in our case), which causes one or more Actions in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.

How can I set this up?

Please see our Zapier integration steps here2 for detailed instructions.

  • created

    Jun '19
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 4


  • 1.4k


  • 3


  • 6


The way E-Junkie has set up how they connect with Zapier means most 'Zaps' require a $25/month account with them.

Per my other thread, is there any way of making 'mailing_list_status' a trigger rather than a parameter with Zapier? You allow people to transfer their mailing to automatically to Mailchimp for free, but to transfer to any other service is quite expensive.

I've relayed your suggestion to Development about adding a Zap Trigger that only fires when the buyer deliberately opts-in to subscribe to a list. Meanwhile, users of Zapier's premium service can set their Zap Actions as dependent on the mailing_list_status parameter we transmit to Zapier for each sale.

1 year later

I am new to e-junkie but why is it not possible to be able to upload products via Zapier. Why is there no upload api?

Our integration with Zapier only goes one way (from us to them) and only does one thing -- namely transmit a notification to them with the full order details each time we process an order for you -- so you can use that to meet any post-purchase processing needs not already handled by our standard features or direct third-party integrations.

If you have a large number of products you need to add to your E-junkie account, we can provide a spreadsheet template file for you to populate and return to us for a bulk-import -- contact us2 for this file and further instructions.

If you just want a way to obtain current product/account settings from your E-junkie account -- e.g., to have custom scripting in your site dynamically generate sales pages with current item names, prices and purchase buttons -- you can use our Products API for that, which you will find under the Beta Features heading at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar menu in your E-junkie Dashboard.