1 / 8
Mar 2008

Anyone at ejunkie know the answer yet?

Whos is handling the techincal quesions on this site?

Why are all the hard questions going unanswered?

What email should I use to contact e-junkie at for hard techical questions?

Is Robin OK - did he leave the company?

Thank you

  • created

    Mar '08
  • last reply

    Mar '08
  • 7


  • 1.0k


  • 4


Glad to hear that I'm not the only one whose emails are going unanswered.

I thought maybe they didn't like me anymore, ha ha.

All I want is an upgrade to my storage space! Opportunity is knocking, folks, so answer your email!

They really need a hotline for people who want to add on to their subscription. The last time I needed more GB's, I faced a similar wait time.


You can choose a new subscription plan from Admin > Start Subscription.

Anyone at ejunkie know the answer yet?

Whos is handling the techincal quesions on this site?

Why are all the hard questions going unanswered?

What email should I use to contact e-junkie at for hard techical questions?

Is Robin OK - did he leave the company?

Thank you

I'm a little disturbed by this too. It's been about 5 days since I sent a support email and I haven't heard a word.

Like DynaHunk, I need to upgrade my storage. On the start/update paid subscription section on the admin panel, it will let me pay $125 for more storage, but they have advertised and extra $20 per month for another gig of storage. If I knew that the $125 was for 12 months, that would work, but I'm not taking that bet with no one responding to support

I just heard from Robin yesterday by email, so that's heartening.

My impression is that 19.5 is a small company and their internal expansion is overwhelming them. I haven't jumped ship yet, though, and not having lost any sales yet, I do think the price is right. (I've checked around and they're still the best deal.)

They really do need to make it easier to upgrade, though. Why can't they simply add a few more order buttons that add on GB's of storage, seeing as how they have fixed rates?

Ah, I suppose he's working his way through the queue. And yes, a more efficient revenue collecting system would be a good move for most businesses. :slight_smile:

Robin, its been 2 weeks with no support. Please have a look at the thread:

"PayPal button in shopping cart not working"

Customers are saying it is not working and I am not sure why. Any ideas?