That "contact" link in the bar at the bottom of every page will do the trick, and we generally prefer it because it auto-fills your information so we don't have to go hunting to figure out what account the message is in reference to.
However, we realize the form can be a pain sometimes; you can also just email; please do include the client id# of the account in question.
Possibly, so please do send them (through support) if it's not too much trouble.
It took me a bit of poking to figure out how to do it, but effective 3:40pm MST, I just cut off the s3 for your downloads if your client id is in this list:
18167, 124955, 17582, 5945, 37624, 38156, 21404, 84674
Note I haven't modified the code, just did a little backend database trickery, so any new uploads you do will get transfered to and served from s3 as normal.
Please let us know if this causes any noticeable change for you, good or bad. This is just a test, not a fix--we need to leverage the cloud for low-cost scalability.
Finally got somebody with five failed downloads to reply to a question.
"I am running Windows XP SP3 and have Webroot as my AV. Hope everything works
out on getting down to the problem and fixing it."
Has anybody been chasing AWS to see if they are having trouble with other clients (other than eJunkie) using their infrastructure?
Seems to me the last few days have been much better, a week ago I was getting multiple fails per day.
My customer could not access the download page after their purchase (transaction ID gc-642055226814685). They received a message that: IE cannot open the site; operation aborted.
using IE and never tried from their email message. They selected the button confirmation after purchasing the file.
The log shows no attempt to download, they never could get that far.
I then sent a free link to them because they were then at work without access to the email they ordered with (j-lhg25v340ca2124). She used her yahoo email address and yahoo webmail to click the link. Message: IE cannot open the site; operation aborted.
She tried to copy and paste the link; same message: IE cannot open the site; operation aborted.
I am having to send here the file using
I have the files on my server not e-junkie.
Just checked with a customer who bought one of my items via download a couple of days ago, after I asked about his downloading experience:
"Everything downloaded fine without a problem. I use Chrome as my browser on Windows XP."
Has the storm passed?
Fingers crossed!
(Would like to see some type of official statement/wrapup/analysis from the e-Junkie tech crew.)
Sorry for the slow updates, everyone...
As far as I know, this issue is not resolved. Those of you here who are reporting no problems recently are all on the list of clients whom we switched off of S3 to test; we're still getting reports of problems from other people.
Unfortunately our client team has still not been able to reproduce the problem themselves. As someone focused on the server side, I normally work exclusively in Linux--I don't even have a Windows machine to test with--so last week I signed up for a TechNet subscription so I could set up some testing VMs running Windows and try to diagnose it myself. Also unfortunately it has taken Microsoft a week to fill my order (this is for purely digital/dowloadable content!), but hopefully in the next few days I'll be able to make some progress on this.
I have just switched all downloads that are coming from s3 to go through another of our servers. At a minimum this will give us more visibility into the problems as now I'm able to log all kinds of information that S3's logs don't contain, and if the problem is a really oddball one it may "fix" it.
For those of you still experiencing complaints, please keep an eye on the rate and see if it improves over the next few days.
I feel your pain.
I am a customer that tried to download a program to create PDF files.
Just after I clicked on "Save" and pointed it to save to my desktop, the download froze.
I waited overnight, just in case it would start to move but it did not.
Then I received an email with a link to download from, but when I clicked on it, and it said the link was expired.
It has been 2 days and several e-mails to the vendor with no reply.
I want the software.
Who can help me?
I am running IE8, 64 Bit, Win7 Pro
Transaction ID 3SY86780569990436
Please help me.
If you cannot gain satisfaction from the seller directly, we would recommend that you file a dispute about your payment, using whatever resolutions process is provided by your payment processor (e.g. PayPal Resolutions Center) and/or your bank or card issuer.
We are not a payment processor, so we do not handle any actual payment funds and cannot issue any refunds from our end, and we place complete control over downloads in the seller's hands, so we cannot reactivate your download link nor issue you a new link on their behalf.
Thank you for the canned responce.
But, I would like satisfaction in downloading my program. I purchased it and ejunkie has failed to deliver it. Blam everyone else but e-junkie, but the issue is with your download process.
E-junkie has not delivered my program, and has my program that I paid for.
I would recommend fixing your issues with downloads and stop stealling from us.
If you have a phone number for nowpdf, I will try calling them but they too hide from customers frustraded with your download service.
Still looking for real help.