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Feb 2011

We are using e-junkie cart to sell software downloads. We love e-junkie and the e-junkie team. They have worked very hard to help us with issues when we started our business a few years ago. Everything now works great. However we still have one last daily-recurring issue that we would love to fix. I suspect this issue has more to do with customer's settings and not our or e-junkie's.

Here is the issue: Nearly every day we get a 1 or 2 customers who cannot download our exe file (hosted by e-junkie). Their download just freezes. They get angry and frustrated and blame us. We say in our software to please disable your firewall and anti-virus before downloading. However many customers dont know how to do this or dont understand what we mean. Also some say they are shutting off firewall and anti-virus and they still cannot download.

Here is a real note from a customer today: "I am unable to download the software. The file download times out after i've waited over an hour for it to download. I've disabled my security devices and the software download continually freezes. Help me."

We used to send a zip file instead of an exe file, but that caused even more trouble because many customers do not understand what to do with a zip file...and/or their old winzip trial nag screen would suddenly open and they would think it was us squeezing them for more money. Therefore we determined that sending an exe download caused fewer support issues than sending a zip download. This seems to be the case. We do have fewer issues with an exe.... Unfortunately the freezing problem is a big one... It's about 5% of all customers. (Also, FYI: The exe is digitially signed)

As our workaround, we do send a zip when someone cannot download the exe. This always works as a solution...but it's clunky because customer is usually very frustrated by this point. Rightly so. It's a constant frustration for us.

Are we doing something wrong in the way that we are sending our downloads? We are sending them via e-junkie and they are usually sent from e-junkies aws acct. Have any other software companies run into this same problem when selling downloads? WHat do you do? Does anyone have a good solution that will help all customers to be able to download an exe without it freezing? Or, does anyone have a good explanation of what to post for customers (in the download letter, site, etc) to alleviate this problem?

We sure would appreciate any suggestions on how to handle this....especially from e-junkie and our fellow software sellers.

Thank you!


Credit-Aid Software


Dev/Ops is aware of and investigating this sporadic issue that's recently cropped up, so rare and sporadic it's been hard to identify any common pattern. Thus far, it seems to be most prevalent with Internet Explorer users and may be related to the last batch of Windows Updates released by Microsoft the second Tuesday of every month. It might help our investigation if you could email us some affected Transaction IDs to research in particular:


One buyer had told their seller something about allowing Remote Volume Management in Windows Firewall apparently allowed their download to proceed, but that could just be coincidental, as it doesn't seem relevant to anything about HTTP downloads in a browser. Even when we've done some testing ourselves, a download that stalls as soon as it starts may yet succeed without a hitch when retrying it mere moments later, with no apparent difference in what's happening at our end in either case. It seems to be a client-side bug or issue or some sort; we're serving up the download HTTP session exactly the same in all cases, yet sometimes the browser end just drops the ball as soon as we hand it off, as far as we can tell.

All we can suggest at present is, keep re-activating expired links, maybe bump up your permitted Attempts (and add an Hours limit if you don't have one already), and maybe suggest affected buyers try a different browser program. If they only have IE, I like to recommend Google Chrome myself, as it's quick to download and install, any user can install it without Admin privileges, it's really light and responsive to use, and it even auto-updates itself quietly in the background:


Hi Tyson, Thanks! Yes I did increase the number of attempts and hours for links...

In my thank you letter html I will suggest to customers that they change browsers if they have trouble. Unfortunately most of our customers are technically challenged....

I will definitely send you some Transaction IDs in case that helps.

The interesting part about this issue is that when I send these people (who had exe downloads freeze on e-junkie) a link to a zip (on my own server), then they no longer have trouble. However, it's unclear if it suddenly works because of the zip or the different hosting location.

But here is an interesting question: Since our primary link sent is an exe file. Is there any way to have the download letter from e-junkie also give a 2nd link as a zip file hosted on e-junkie? Or is that a bad idea?

Look for those transaction ID's in a few minutes. Thanks Tyson! You are the Guru!

People in a corporate environment may not have options other than IE, and they may not have access to firewall settings.

The problem does seem more common in the past several days or so, from one or two a week to one every day or so.

The Windows Updates is plausable, because I don't think I suddenly have vastly less proficient customers.

Usually the update is successful after a short delay (the time to send me an email and for me to respond).

Hi everyone,

I've been looking into this off and on for the last week, from various angles from individual problem reports to high-level descriptive statistics (I highly recommend R+rggobi+GGobi), and I'm really not seeing anything on our or S3's part that could be the problem. The pattern I'm seeing so far everywhere I've been able to get this data is this:

* product file is an .exe

* browser is IE

-> OS is Windows (usually 7)

The thing about the way IE works is, it first downloads the file off to temporary folder; then it triggers whatever internal and external malware-scanning facilities have been registered; then it copies the file to its final destination, which makes for a stall at the end of the download. Usually it's just a few seconds, but if something's gumming up the process, you could wait minutes before it completes; an impatient user would probably decide it has failed and cancel.

IE is known to be overly sensitive to various addons, and when was the last time you downloaded something free and it didn't try to install some IE toolbar? While I concur with Tyson's suggestion of an alternate browser--I couldn't work without Firefox--I realize that's not a workable solution for the average customer; we want to make things easier for them, not more complicated.

Unfortunately, the only somewhat reasonable suggestion I can make right now is that you zip your files. Yes, it's another step for the user. Fortunately, every copy of Windows since (98SE?) has had zip support built-in. I don't know why having the executable zipped helps--any competent malware scanner will scan inside archives--but it does seem to. I do note that in certain environments, especially corporate, downloading of bare .exe files may be blocked outright.

If anyone has data that don't match this profile in any way, we'd love to see them. We'd also be interested to know what anti-malware you're running; I know from my time in corporate IT, Symantec/Norton and McAfee were major sources of problems.

Hi, in our case the freezing is happening at the begining of the download. More and more customers are complaining, so I have tested myself by sending myself free software links. The freezing even happens to me -- always at the very start of the download...but at the end. It happened twice to me today. Each time, I was successful when I closed and tried again. Im on Vista Ultimate 32 bit with all appropriate updates.Browser is IE 8.0.6001.19019 with everything current. My antivirus is AVG. I dont use a firewall and I dont have any toolbars or plugins besides Google Toolbar. However our customers arent so lucky. ANd they get very angry. These are not computer literate people. Most dont even understand where their downloads end up (when they do work)! Suggesting they download a new browser confuses them--but I did add that suggestion to our download letter. Im dealing with angry customers every day over this issue. I used to have a zip on e-junkie, but that caused even more tech support issues because so many people have winzip demos...it pops up to ask for money and they are even more enraged. So far sending exes on e-junkie gives me the least grief...but then I have to send the zip download from my own server on a link that doesnt expire. I have a suggestion...and I would be willing to pay extra for this: I would like to suggest adding the ability for me to send customers 2 links: A exe and also a zip (via e-junkie) that way every download letter has a backup parachute. Our business is running well...and this is the only issue we have. Sure would love to solve it.

Oops...I made a typo. Meant to say "The freezing even happens to me -- always at the very start of the download...NOT at the end."

Then from what we can tell so far, it seems this problem is limited to sporadic IE users downloading .exe files, and quite probably caused by something introduced with the last batch of Windows Updates for this month, and unfortunately nothing we can do anything to mitigate, as it's entirely a client-side behavioral issue that transpires after our end has already staged the download for IE to manage on its own from that point onward.

We do have a way to offer multiple download links for a single product; however, this would increase the number of products your subscription plan would need to support (one for each file, and one more for the "bundle" that you'd actually sell):


For buyers having a problem with expired WinZip trials, you could recommend an always-free alternative; my favorite is IZArc, others prefer 7-Zip. Perhaps you could add a link to the download page for one of those on your thank-you pages (similar to how many PDF eBook sellers include a link to download Adobe Reader or FoxIt Reader, etc.):



I'd like to follow up on this freezing at the start of the download if I could. Is it happening before the run/save dialog (or whatever your IE normally does) comes up, or after? That makes a difference.

One problem we've had historically is anti-malware software that does proactive link scanning on web pages... we do some javascript trickery to stop these things from expiring links and doubly+ downloading files to scan, but it's possible they've worked around it and the same old problems are back--i.e. the hang you're seeing is the scanner downloading the whole file first to make sure it's safe, after which the download should proceed (again). If you disable this "feature" and test, do you still have this hangs-at-start problem? Just an idea...

Hi! Ok, for your first question, here's my answer:

Luckily it just happened to me again on IE, so here are the exact steps taken to have the error: I sent myself a free download. I click on the link in the e-junkie html page (which is what customers see after they get their download letter. I click save...then Im promped to choose where to save. I chose my desktop. Then the file download from s3.amazonaws.com window just hangs right at the start. Does not progress even a smidge It's been on my screen now for about 10 minutes doing nothing. Im on Vista Ultimate 32 bit with all appropriate updates.Browser is IE 8.0.6001.19019 with everything current. My antivirus is AVG. I dont use a firewall and I dont have any toolbars or plugins besides Google Toolbar, HP Smart Select and HP BHO Class. Everything else is disabled.

For your second question: Im confused as to what you're asking me to disable? I dont have any anti malware utilities running. Only AVG free.

If nothing can fix this weird issue, I like Tyson's workaround for selling a "Bundle" an exe and a zip. If both exe and zip can be in the download letter with text saying that the zip is the backup plan if the first download fails, that would be groovy. Hopefully it's easy to figure out. There is no way I can tell our customers to install some alternate unzipping program, or even how to uninstall winzip and just use windows. For someone who doesnt understand how to work a computer (most customers) that will be very frustrating to them and wordy in our already horrendously long download html letter.

Thanks for taking the time to help with this!! You guys rock!



Apparently even AVG Free includes a link scanner, since at least version 8. I'm not finding any reference to a way to just temporarily disable that feature, but here's how to install (the latest version) without that component in the first place, if you're willing to go to that length to test:


Okay, I followed those steps to remove the link scanning in AVG and there is no more issue with the downloads. I will continue to check throughout to tonight and tomorrow.

When I sent myself downloads earlier today, my first attempt to download would always freeze and then the 2nd download attempt would always be fine.

Now since following the steps above to remove the link scanning, the downloads seem to work perfectly.

Does this info help you in any way? I hope so!


That does help. At this point, in regards to that particular problem, we suspect something related to the way newer versions of IE allow malware scanners to hook in. I don't think it's exclusive to AVG; we've had reports of the same problem with the free Microsoft Security Essentials as well.

The problematic interaction could be the SmartScreen feature; if you wanted to test that, reinstall AVG with the link scanner, and then disable SmartScreen (In Internet Explorer, click the Safety button on the toolbar. Point to SmartScreen Filter, and then click Turn Off SmartScreen Filter.) See if downloads are reliable or not.

The trick for us is to come up with a way to work around these problems on our end. I briefly considered setting a bucket policy at S3 based on the user agent string, so that link scanners would just get a short response and hopefully move on, but it turns out that at least one version of the AVG link scanner uses a string identical to IE6. As much as I would enjoy blocking all users of that particular security and compatibility disaster, probably not a good idea. :slight_smile:


We sell only PDF files, no exe's, and have been having the same problem for days.

Half of our buyers since Saturday have either given up and contacted us or used up their 5 attempts. Most report that the failure comes at the start of the download.

They aren't interested in troubleshooting, I tried with a few and they started suspecting I was running a scam.

It's a shame, if it keeps up, I'll have to dump e-Junkie and just start sending PDF files as attachments.


It's now been more than a week that one of my buyers has been unable to succesfully complete the download of one of my items that until now has never had any download problems.

After reading this thread, I have to agree wth MadMoe: while I love e-junkie and its overall fabulous ease of use, unless this problem is solved, I'd have to find another service to avoid this problem. Having said that, I urge e-junkie to make the solution of this problem an absolute top priority issue, even calling in outside experts to solve this problem ASAP. Sometimes, that's the cost of doing business and yes, it bites into the budget.

Like others who have posted here, the need for delivering .exe files is paramount. As simple as PDF files are to open and use, ther's still a huge number of Internet users who will never understand, or take the time to understand, how to open them and then how to find them or place shortcuts on their desktops. I speak from experience with buyers: an .exe file works and keeps buyers happy.

I was just about to launch a special sales campaign for my downloadable e-junkie products; now, unfortunately, I guess I'll have to wait until I hear from you saying that the problem has been resolved--so please be SURE to send an e-mail as soon as it has for all our sakes.

For what it's worth, here's the info on the problem the buyer I mention here is having.

Repeated download attempts keep timing out. He suspected it might have been Norton antivirus software, disabled it, and no luck. Then he decided to try on his netbook. Both systems running Windows 7. Here's an email he just sent this morning: "I used my Netbook, shut down Norton and got to the download Website. I started the download, but it did not seem to be making any progress. After about 5 minutes I received the following message. 'Internet Explorer can not download mpmsetup.exe from s3.amazonaws.com. The operation timed out.' Help"

Like the buyer says, "HELP!"


Hi Ellen! Im sorry it took me a few days to do test #2

First before I tell you the results of test #2... I want to recap: After test #1 (turning off link scanner) I had no more freezeups in the e-junkie downloads sent to myself. Coincidentally, over the last few daysI have not had as many complaints of downloads freezing for customers. In fact, there were no complaints at all yesterday. Perhaps you changed something else on your end?

Now onto the results of test #2:

I reinstalled AVG and enabled link scanner.

I restarted and disabled SmartScreen in IE 8

I sent myself a download in e-junkie

On my first attempt to download it TOTALLY FROZE at the begining of the download. However, on my 2nd attempt at the download it worked fine.

Just to be thourough, I did test #1 again... I reinstalled AVG without the LinkScanner...and in IE I enabled SmartScreen again...


I hope this helps in your problem solving.

If we continue to get complaints about downloads that hang or time out, I will try sending exe and zip to each customer (with your bundle option). I dont mind spending the extra money. It's still a bargain.

We have been with e-junkie for several years and are huge fans. Any service is going to have an ocassional glitch, especially when customers are dependant on tools from other companies (i.e., Microsoft, Symantec, etc...) who change the rules overnight. Im thrilled that I can write e-junkie a trouble ticket and someone actually responds, understands and tries to help. The service gets better and better. I wish other companies were as helpful and "human." For example: we're currently having server issues with GoDaddy -- and GoDaddy hasnt responded to trouble tickets that are now 3 weeks old. That is infuriating! The e-junkie service is fantastic and it's a bargain.

Thanks for being so great and please keep us posted on any new info about this issue.

- Daniel


Thanks for the additional testing--and sorry we're having to have you do this! Just you're our most reliable reproducer right now :-/ I've got some additional test cases I'm working on which I'll send you through support.


Rest assured we are escalating this internally.

I had a new ebook release on Thursday and so far 18 of my customers have experienced this hanging download. This has never happened before. It doesn't seem to be related to the file format of the book they're downloading; it's happened with multiple types of ebook formats.

Any closer to a solution? I'd be happy to provide info on the customers' OS/Browser combos or the order numbers of each case it that would help.

-JCP Books

Hi, I thought I'd add what my customers are experiencing. We only sell mp3 and pdf files and I've been getting more and more complaints from customers.

I tried to download once on my laptop and everything worked fine. A couple of days later I tried again and it completly stalled out. I hadn't changed anything as far as firewalls, AVG or malware protection. The only difference was that I was using a slower internet connection the second time and it just stopped with out even downloading a thing. I left it open for a half hour and it didn't move.

I have a windows vista 32 bit operating system. AVG and malware antivirus software and IE8. Customers have written into me saying both the mp3 files and the .zip files that we use to sell albums are not downloading. So far I have been re-directing them to Firefox and Chrome and it seems to work just fine.

Let me know what I can do to help get this figured out.


Positive Music and Downloads