We have identified an issue affecting newer browsers and certain sites using frames, where the domain of the master frameset URL does not match the domain of individual content page URLs displayed inside that frameset.

E.g., if you are using a site-builder service that hosts your actual, individual pages at something like this:


...but you are displaying those individual pages inside a frameset "wrapper" page with a URL on your own custom domain, so that a visitor's browser only shows the site's Web address as:


...then our standard JavaScript cart buttons with the nice cart overlay screen will not work for certain visitors, depending on their browser's cookie settings.

Modern browsers such as Internet Explorer v7.x, Apple Safari v3.x, and the new Firefox v3.x have increasingly added an option to "Block 3rd party cookies" or "Only accept cookies from sites I navigate to directly"; Safari even makes this the default setting, whereas the other browsers optionally allow the user to put that setting into effect. Our standard cart always sets the buyer's cart-tracker cookie as a "first party cookie" with the same domain as your page which contains our View Cart button code; however, if the URL of the page itself has one domain, but the Web address visible in the browser's address bar has a different domain (because of a frameset wrapper), then newer browsers will treat that as a third-party cookie (just as if it were a banner ad displayed in an IFRAME).

If you cannot get the domain of your page URLs to match the domain of your frameset URLs (or just do away with the outdated frameset approach entirely), then you must use either our non-JavaScript button codes (which displays the cart in a popup window) or else use our Buy Now buttons for instant Checkout of each product individually. There is no other easy fix or workaround to keep using your existing buttons and cross-domain framesets as-is and have them work in newer browsers with their "refuse third-party cookies" setting engaged.