7 / 13
Nov 2011

i showed a client my website 2http://www.soundmancaraudio.com/store2 and when i tapped "add to cart" it opened a new window. so i went to e-junkie.com and tried the sample buttons and the same thing happens.

is there a chance the javascript will be updated to work correctly on ipads, iphones, etc.? i looked into another solution called simple cart, and theres works fine. its very similar to e-junkie.

  • created

    Jun '10
  • last reply

    Apr '14
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Before the iPad launched, for usability reasons we had been deliberately disabling the overlay-style cart for the Mobile Safari browser used on iPhone/iPodTouch.

On that and other smartphone platforms, the cart appears in its own tab to take full advantage of the small screen, as the overlay-style cart would be either too cramped or too tiny/illegible to be acceptably useful at that size.

Now that the same platform also comes with a larger screen on the iPad, we'll check the user-agent ID to see when it's an iPad and allow the cart overlay to function in that case; this fix will be rolled out as soon as practical.

1 year later
E-junkieGuruNow that the same platform also comes with a larger screen on the iPad, we'll check the user-agent ID to see when it's an iPad and allow the cart overlay to function in that case; this fix will be rolled out as soon as practical.

Hi Guys

Any update on the above feature please.



It appears we aren't actually doing anything to detect when the cart is being viewed in an Apple iOS device, so apparently Apple's mobile version of Safari is doing that on its own, and there may not be anything we can do to override that baked-in behavior.

I had a client complain about not being able to download her mp3's after buying them through E-Junkie on an iPad.

I tried the download process on a friend's iPad and it did work. But it seemed to take ages. After getting to the download page and clicking the link, the browser apparently began the download, but without a notification. Five minutes after clicking the link a dialog box came up asking me where I wanted to save the files.

I'm going to borrow an iPad and try the entire sales process. I will report back.

- Ryan

13 days later
E-junkieGuruIt appears we aren't actually doing anything to detect when the cart is being viewed in an Apple iOS device, so apparently Apple's mobile version of Safari is doing that on its own, and there may not be anything we can do to override that baked-in behavior.

We had reason to look this up and found that E-Junkie is indeed treating these devices differently. Here is the relevant code that we found in boxec28_enc.js. The code checks to see if appVersion returns 'mobile', 'mini', 'android', ie4, ie5, and if it does, the cart is opened in a new window and the popup is disabled. This will affect iPads, iPhones, iPods, and Android devices.

function EJEJC_cmn(a, b, c) {

var m;

m = false;

var n;

n = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();

if (n.indexOf("mobile") != -1 || n.indexOf("mini") != -1 || n.indexOf("msie 5.") != -1 || n.indexOf("msie 4.") != -1 || n.indexOf("android") != -1) {

m = true


if (a.href) {

if (m) {


} else {

EJEJC_show(a.href, b, c)






Ah yes, we did eventually realize where we are indeed checking browser-agent strings as you mention; sorry for not coming back here to post an update about that, but Development is investigating the feasibility of supporting the overlay-style cart on iPad. Apparently mobile Safari for iOS behaves quite differently from Mac OS X/Windows Safari in ways which affect the overlay cart's rendering rather weirdly (re: touchscreen pan/zoom actions in particular), so it's not as simple as just bypassing the function that forces the popup-window cart behavior when we detect the user is on an iPad.

Ryan, your comment about downloading to an iPad is unrelated to the cart popup-vs.-overlay rendering issue, but our understanding is that Apple forbids third-party direct downloads to any iOS device, normally allowing downloads only from the App Store. Perhaps your friend may have "jailbroken" their iPad to remove that download limitation? If so, it's perhaps unsurprising you were left wanting for better feedback on download progress, as Apple never intended that functionality to be available to users in the first place, so they didn't bother including any such progress feedback in the mobile Safari/iOS interface. I'm guessing the prompt to pick a Save location only appeared once the file download had already completed in the background.

1 year later


Is there any progress on this issue? It would be really great if the cart window showed as a popup instead of a new tab.


I'm not sure where things stand on this issue, so I've referred the matter to Development for further consideration.

1 month later

It turned out the way we'd need to go about that is rather more complicated than expected, so this request is now a wishlist item that we'll be able to revisit once we're done building our new Admin interface, which is Development's top priority at the moment.

1 year later

I have read this entire thread, and if I understand correctly this is what we tell our customers:

"Apple forbids third-party direct downloads to any iOS device, normally allowing downloads only from the App Store."

In other words, Apple users can ONLY download our eProducts to their computer, and not an iPad or an iPhone, is this correct?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Actually, there's been some recent updates on the matter of downloading directly to iOS devices, but it can still be a bit of a mixed bag depending on whether the file format being download is supported by native iOS apps, and otherwise what additional apps the buyer may have installed on their device -- see further details in this related discussion, particularly starting from the third post down:


Buyers using an actual computer (including laptops or netbooks) should normally have no trouble downloading from our system, and they should be able to sync the file to their mobile device from there. If you expect many of your buyers to download directly to mobile devices, you may wish to customize your E-junkie-generated thank-you pages to add download tips for buyers with mobile devices:
