11 / 38
Jan 2008

> Note that I think it would be better to set this based on each product as

> some i tems we may not care so much and others we have to be more selective

When we do it, it will be an account wide setting. Sorry.

I understnad you are thinking like that due to processing limitations but once you see how powerful this is you may considering changing it for flexability. You will be adding things like this in the account as you grow no doubt. Doing it now when you are only adding 1 or 2 settings would make it easier if you can get away with it in processing.

Again, if you advertise that you are going further then eBay/PayPal does to protect your customers income you will reap many benefits I beleive.

Additionally, I would sugest considering adding them as two sepearate options. Not forcing both of them - or any of the others you can program in - as only an ON or OFF option.

E-junkie is a "one size fits most solution". None of 2000+ merchants that use E-junkie currenty have found chargebacks to be a major concern.

When we get this request more, we will add the feature and we will add it the way it's easy to use for all the merchants.

We try to strike a balance between cutomization and easy of use.

WOW! - charge backs are a huge problem. I can't believe you don't know this. HUGE problem. Read Entrepreneur or eBay related magazines and articles. They all talk about it.

The reason they don't tell you is because you haven’t offered an advanced solution as I have defined. Most people go to PayPal and complain. Why would they come to you and complain? It is not your fault. I came to you to show you a great business idea to advance your product.

People only tell you when a link doesn’t work or an email doesn’t show up.

Call PayPal and ask them how big the problem is. If it is a digital sale then that is where we get screwed. If it is a tangible good and we ship to a confirmed address then we don’t get screwed.

This idea is for items that are delivery digitally. In my opinion that comment you made shows very limited knowledge and I would think that a site selling digital items would be forward thinking.

You may not want to implement this because all 2000 customers can’t use it but that imo would be a bad business choice. But to say it is not a big problem is wrong. Especially when the steps to provide this is minimal.

Great to talk business with you but I am not being paid to consult someone through each step of thinking it would take to see this. Why not go ask eBay what they think lol.

17 days later

2 - PayPal payment address is not confirmed

3 - PayPal buyer is not verified

compete IP logging would be useful also, as paypal could take

this information and compare it to user account...

so if the buyer orders and yells fraud and lives in FL, and the IP

logging shows IP from china, then sure, but if the iP logging appears

to match the buyers logs using paypal, they surely would not win their claim.

OH the question was is the first two options been implemented yet?

for paypal verification?

That would be a great idea. We can also use that to submit to PayPal and in the police report.

I doubt there would be a police report, more a like a civil matter, but the more proof

that we can supply to paypal, the better chances we will win our case.

I may just simply remove instant download and they can prove to me

their verfied paypal, and paypal email.

but IP logging is a must to have something to compare too...even some of the

most basic shopping scripts have some type of looging...im very surprised

that nothing is here that i can see.

Many people don't know about the http://ic3.gov/.

They want all the info you can provide and even if they do not need it for their cases, they will send it on to state and local authorities.

That site is 2 FBI agencies combined into one support group for pepole like us.

We just have to do our part and provide the information.

I do not understand why paypal would even allow someone to send

money without being cc verfied and email verfied... thats just wrong to begin with.

I did not even getting an email from the person claiming fraud, he ordered

at 12p, and got a paypal notice at 3pm... supcious....i think he did make

the purchase, but i can not prove that, but can paypal really prove he did not?

I'm getting hit with these problems with our digital downloads for our web templates .... I would love to hear of a solution to minimize this.

I've talked in depth and length about this with Robin and I can tell you it isn't a large concern on his list. Why? makes no sense I can'te tell you why. I don't think they understand some of the options that are obviously needed.

1 single easy step hasn't even been implemented and that is just the "Verifiied" requirement.

It is his understanding that PayPal fraud doesn't happen often.

umm, yeah - ok. sigh

maybe there is other payment providers that do take this more serious...

my webiste is near the top of engines, and this happens more then

you think, ive recently got 3 paypal holds because they say they

did not make the order, and it seems to happen more on "unverified"

paypal accounts. paypal fraud happens daily, just like any other type

of fraud, and if he doesnt think so, then he truly is not educated on fraud.

10 months later

I have been trying to figure a way of protecting us merchants who sell digital downloads and I must admit it is ridiculously tough to find a way around paypal. There are other processors who simply suck! We have let paypal create an online monopoly that is affecting thousands of honest merchants.

Is anyone up for a revolution against paypal and the illegal charge-backs they so often allow?


Say, if we guys maintain a common list of buyers who are habitual of asking for refunds/reversals .. and then NOT auto-deliver them products, is that something y'll will find useful?

DomainLocoI have been trying to figure a way of protecting us merchants who sell digital downloads and I must admit it is ridiculously tough to find a way around paypal. There are other processors who simply suck! We have let paypal create an online monopoly that is affecting thousands of honest merchants.

Is anyone up for a revolution against paypal and the illegal charge-backs they so often allow?


You might consider using E-junkie with Google Checkout as well. If you completely want to omit PayPal as a payment option, just delete your PayPal email from Admin > Profile. :^)

Well if I did that 50% of my prospective buyers would immediately disregard the purchase. I'm working on adding Authorize.net to the mixture but it might not make a huge difference. Also, google checkout does not support intangible items because it requires shipping information to be added to an order. If you don't add it, they can easily chargeback the amount after three or four weeks and claim they never received it.

DomainLocoWell if I did that 50% of my prospective buyers would immediately disregard the purchase. I'm working on adding Authorize.net to the mixture but it might not make a huge difference.

I agree with you, I don't think not accepting PayPal is an option. I personally don't buy from sites which don't accept PayPal.

DomainLocoAlso, google checkout does not support intangible items because it requires shipping information to be added to an order. If you don't add it, they can easily chargeback the amount after three or four weeks and claim they never received it.

That's not correct. Google Checkout very well supports digital items. Just make sure that you don't have the "shipping" checkbox added in E-junkie product configuration.

I have had countless problems with paypal and I think it's time to start creating new solutions away from the monopoly Paypal has on online payments. Already working on a competitor that will be less ridiculous when it comes to intangible sales.

Paypal has stolen thousands from me, on the basis of complete assumption. It's really sad to see there is no competition standing up to them.

Google checkout is new to me, although I did search for that option in my account administration. Did not find anything related to a shipping box when sending invoices or creating payment buttons. Am I missing something?