I doubt there would be a police report, more a like a civil matter, but the more proof
that we can supply to paypal, the better chances we will win our case.
I may just simply remove instant download and they can prove to me
their verfied paypal, and paypal email.
but IP logging is a must to have something to compare too...even some of the
most basic shopping scripts have some type of looging...im very surprised
that nothing is here that i can see.
Many people don't know about the http://ic3.gov/.
They want all the info you can provide and even if they do not need it for their cases, they will send it on to state and local authorities.
That site is 2 FBI agencies combined into one support group for pepole like us.
We just have to do our part and provide the information.
I've talked in depth and length about this with Robin and I can tell you it isn't a large concern on his list. Why? makes no sense I can'te tell you why. I don't think they understand some of the options that are obviously needed.
1 single easy step hasn't even been implemented and that is just the "Verifiied" requirement.
It is his understanding that PayPal fraud doesn't happen often.
umm, yeah - ok. sigh
maybe there is other payment providers that do take this more serious...
my webiste is near the top of engines, and this happens more then
you think, ive recently got 3 paypal holds because they say they
did not make the order, and it seems to happen more on "unverified"
paypal accounts. paypal fraud happens daily, just like any other type
of fraud, and if he doesnt think so, then he truly is not educated on fraud.
I have been trying to figure a way of protecting us merchants who sell digital downloads and I must admit it is ridiculously tough to find a way around paypal. There are other processors who simply suck! We have let paypal create an online monopoly that is affecting thousands of honest merchants.
Is anyone up for a revolution against paypal and the illegal charge-backs they so often allow?
DomainLocoI have been trying to figure a way of protecting us merchants who sell digital downloads and I must admit it is ridiculously tough to find a way around paypal. There are other processors who simply suck! We have let paypal create an online monopoly that is affecting thousands of honest merchants.
Is anyone up for a revolution against paypal and the illegal charge-backs they so often allow?
You might consider using E-junkie with Google Checkout as well. If you completely want to omit PayPal as a payment option, just delete your PayPal email from Admin > Profile. :^)
Well if I did that 50% of my prospective buyers would immediately disregard the purchase. I'm working on adding Authorize.net to the mixture but it might not make a huge difference. Also, google checkout does not support intangible items because it requires shipping information to be added to an order. If you don't add it, they can easily chargeback the amount after three or four weeks and claim they never received it.
DomainLocoWell if I did that 50% of my prospective buyers would immediately disregard the purchase. I'm working on adding Authorize.net to the mixture but it might not make a huge difference.
I agree with you, I don't think not accepting PayPal is an option. I personally don't buy from sites which don't accept PayPal.
DomainLocoAlso, google checkout does not support intangible items because it requires shipping information to be added to an order. If you don't add it, they can easily chargeback the amount after three or four weeks and claim they never received it.
That's not correct. Google Checkout very well supports digital items. Just make sure that you don't have the "shipping" checkbox added in E-junkie product configuration.
I have had countless problems with paypal and I think it's time to start creating new solutions away from the monopoly Paypal has on online payments. Already working on a competitor that will be less ridiculous when it comes to intangible sales.
Paypal has stolen thousands from me, on the basis of complete assumption. It's really sad to see there is no competition standing up to them.
Google checkout is new to me, although I did search for that option in my account administration. Did not find anything related to a shipping box when sending invoices or creating payment buttons. Am I missing something?
DomainLocoGoogle checkout is new to me, although I did search for that option in my account administration. Did not find anything related to a shipping box when sending invoices or creating payment buttons. Am I missing something?
Shipping checkbox is present when you are adding or editing a product in E-junkie
Google Checkout integration instructions are at http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/google-checkout-shopping-cart.htm
I got a sale asking to be Verified today using Paypal pro and the person did a express checkout.
1) Did they get the downloadable file when they ordered or did they have to wait for me to Verified it to give them the file?
2) I read the thread but I am still a bit lost, Why did I have to Verified the payment? I called paypay but the answer they gave me was just not very good.
Thanks for any help and advice you can give me on this so I know what I am looking at in the future when this happens.
If you see the payment's Transaction ID from your PayPal account is also listed in your E-junkie Seller Admin > View Transaction Log, then we processed the sale and issued the buyer's download link.
It was not clear from your description who or what was asking to be Verified, and at what point? "PayPal Verified" is an account status one can acquire in PayPal's system; it doesn't really have anything to do with processing a particular payment. However, PayPal does require payment senders (buyers) to become Verified in order to keep sending payments after a certain point, so if the buyer contacted you saying PayPal was asking them to become Verified, maybe they had reached their spending limit as an un-Verified account holder?
These PayPal pages should explain more, so you might send these links to your buyer if they had contacted you about the matter:
Thanks, I found another posting on the forum on how to turn of verified payment in e-junkie so I turned that off which if I understand right will not make me verify at paypal for payment. I want my download to be instant and figure it worth the risk since after someone getting a download they can pass it on anyway so there always risk with a download of this happening.
Thanks for the links, I search paypal and did not find it before so I read up on the links.
Now I am not clear about what you are describing?
If you are talking about whether you have to manually approve receiving a payment, that would be a setting in your PayPal account. When you manually accept completing a payment in PayPal, you should see an option there to accept all payments automatically.
If you are talking about whether we wait for payment to be completed before processing the sale (incl. issuing a download link), that would be the "Wait for pending payments" setting in your E-junkie Seller Admin > Payment Preferences. Unchecking that setting tells us to process the sale as soon as the buyer finishes checkout, regardless of their final payment status. If you leave that setting enabled (checked), most buyers would still be able to download your product immediately after checkout, and buyers who are not given the opportunity to do so have not actually paid you yet (they have given their payment details, but the actual funds have not been secured). If you choose to disable the "Wait for pending payments" setting, you assume all risk of a payment possibly being canceled/declined/NSF after the buyer already received their immediate download.
All of the download links we issue will expire, so even if a buyer shares their download link with others, the link would only be good for the number of attempts or hours (whichever comes first) that you had specified for the product, and if you discover a link "out in the wild" somewhere, you can tell exactly which buyer's link got shared out.
>>>that would be the "Wait for pending payments" setting in your E-junkie Seller Admin > Payment Preferences.<<<
I get they take all the risk on that.
>>>All of the download links we issue will expire, so even if a buyer shares their download link with others, <<<
But if they save it to their hard drive then they can email the pdf to a someone else. There is no way to stop that. I advertise my printables files as they can reuse them as long as they save them to their own computer.
As far risk, I rather take the risk and be able to advertise all printable are instant download.