Top 5 Cloud Security Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Cloud servers represent a cost-effective solution for all sorts of users; from those in need of secure data storage with minimum maintenance requirements to online apps built by startups with limited hardware infrastructure. Ease of access, security, and affordability are the top benefits of cloud computing technology, however, it is not without its downsides.
If you’re new to the subject or you’re just starting to consider the idea of migrating any aspect of your business on a cloud, there are a few pointers we would like to share with you, to help you avoid costly mistakes.
Shared Servers Risks
Shared cloud servers are some of the most popular solutions because they offer high performance and numerous features for a more than reasonable price. However, because you’re sharing the hardware with other users, it’s possible to encounter issues caused by other user’s actions. Even if you take every necessary step to protect your content, a virus or some other type of threat caused by a co-user could influence the loss or unavailability of your data.
Therefore, if you truly wish to protect your cloud information, choosing personal cloud servers rather than the shared option is a somewhat more expensive but much more secure solution.
Lack of Dedicated Access
As we already mentioned ease of access is one main benefit of cloud storage, allowing access from anywhere in the world to anyone with login information. Set different user capabilities depending on the role in your company to obtain full control over who has access to your data and to which extent.
Many writing services, including Dissertation Today and numerous other agencies, claim to avoid unintentional loss of data and maintain seamless compartmentalization by setting separate levels of access to writers, editors, and management. Each team member can only perform predefined actions according to their role.
Avoiding Regular Backups
Even though cloud services provide redundant network and disk space, thus significantly improving your data security and network functionality, it’s not nearly a good enough reason to avoid regular backups. Keep your backup files safe on offline storage so you would be prepared for any eventuality. However, if you don't have the capabilities to keep a backup of your information offline, consider placing the data on a third-party cloud service.
No Personal Security Measures
Most cloud service agencies will provide their own security tools such as antivirus software, DDoS attack protection, and firewall, which should be enough to protect your files from online threats. However, we were witnesses that even industry giants such as Google and Yahoo failed to stop cyber-attacks and jeopardized millions of users. Therefore, taking personal care about your online safety is of paramount importance for the integrity of your data and business.
Additionally, each cloud service has its own security policy, which means you should carefully consider to which measure your service provider is able to protect you. This way you will have a deeper insight into your involvement in the overall security of your content.
Imagine placing sensitive customer information in danger of being hijacked by an attacker, it could cause both harm to your users and business brand. It's essential to cover all corners and understand the risks as well as the tools you have to fight off any potential security threat.
Hybrid Network Risks
Hybrid networks represent a mix of cloud and your business network which corporations mostly use during the transitional period from business to cloud. What this practically means is that you allow on-site apps to communicate with cloud-stored data and vice versa.
Disregarding transitional benefits, hybrid networks leave your personal network open to online attacks through the cloud component. Therefore, it is best to complete the transition as soon as possible or adjust your firewall settings to ensure secure communication between cloud and on-site business servers.
Online security is one of the greatest challenges a business could face, especially if the bulk of your operations depend on digital infrastructure. As a brand grows, the requests for high-end hardware and networking grows, which is why cloud servers are such a popular alternative to building your own data center. Nevertheless, we've presented some of the most common risk factors and mistakes you could make that would endanger the security of your business. These small pieces of advice should help you avoid cyber-attacks and unintentional loss of data but it takes constant learning and improvement to stay on top of the situation.
About the Author:
Justin is a tech marketing specialist and essay writer from Leicester, UK. He is particularly interested in combining tech and education. When not working and rooting for Leicester FC, he likes to discuss new trends in Artificial Intelligence and share his own ideas with readers on different blogs and forums. Currently, he is working as a tech writer at best essay writing service.