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7 Signs your Home Office is Too Small for You

Once upon a time, your home office was the perfect place from which to conduct your business. It certainly had its benefits - no commute, casual dress code and a well-stocked fridge for mid-afternoon snacks.
However, as you may have well found out, a home office can’t always keep up with the demands of an evolving business. Here are seven signs your enterprise has outgrown your home office:
Finding your home office is now too small for you and your business can be an exciting time. It shows that your enterprise has grown and it’s now time to take the step into bigger and better premises.
Emma Lewis is a loving mother, a devoted wife and a part of the team supporting Spacer – a company helping you find storage space whenever you need it. Emma is also a staunch supporter of the sharing economy and often mentions its benefits.
However, as you may have well found out, a home office can’t always keep up with the demands of an evolving business. Here are seven signs your enterprise has outgrown your home office:
You Don’t Have Enough Storage Space
Having a well-organised office is a key cornerstone of your business. You need enough space to file papers effectively and keep a small stock of stationery. If you regularly find yourself drowning in papers and misplacing files, your home office may be a little too small for your needs.You’re Uncomfortable
When you’re sitting at a desk for a good few hours each day, it’s important to be comfortable. Having the space for a desk and chair that allow you to sit in a good posture is really important for preventing aches and pains throughout the day – and your life. And, if you can’t move without banging a knee, an elbow or your head, then your discomfort could be impacting on your productivity.Your Office Spills Out into The Rest of Your Home
If your work papers or equipment are spilling out into the rest of the house, it’s a sure sign that you’ve outgrown your home office. It’s important to be able to close the door on your work, both physically and psychologically, at the end of the day. That’s impossible if work has inveigled its way into each and every room.You Need to Buy New Equipment
Your smartphone and an all-in-one printer, scanner and photocopier shouldn’t take up too much room on your desk. If, however, your business suddenly requires more extensive equipment, your home office might start to feel cluttered.You’re Easily Distracted
A home office that’s too small and too close to other parts of your home can lead to distractions. It could be that other activities around the house provide too regular an opportunity for procrastination. Or other members of the household create too much noise for you to focus. If this is the case, a larger, dedicated office space could be the solution.You Struggle to Find Space for Meetings
Conducting business meetings out of your home office can pose a challenge. If the day-to-day business of family life is going on in the room next door or your client has to walk past the week’s dirty laundry on the way to your office, it will be impossible to create a professional impression. Equally, traveling to a local coffee shop, restaurant or hotel lounge for meetings can take a big chunk out of your day. If you are regularly having business meetings and struggling to find the space for them, it’s another sign that a home office is no longer suitable.You Need to Hire Employees
When your business has grown to the point where you’re looking to hire some staff, it may be that your home office isn’t equipped for you and your new team. In addition, creating a professional and productive work environment is much easier in a dedicated office space than in a home setting.Finding your home office is now too small for you and your business can be an exciting time. It shows that your enterprise has grown and it’s now time to take the step into bigger and better premises.
Emma Lewis is a loving mother, a devoted wife and a part of the team supporting Spacer – a company helping you find storage space whenever you need it. Emma is also a staunch supporter of the sharing economy and often mentions its benefits.