Integrating E-junkie with email marketing services
How to integrate mailing list services with E-junkie
These email marketing services maintain a list of email subscribers and allow you to send mass mailings to those subscribers—e.g., for email marketing and customer outreach. When your buyers make a purchase, you can have us automatically submit their name/email for subscription to a list you manage with one of these services.
Some call this an "autoresponder", though that term usually refers to an automated reply sent when an email is received, such as an "on vacation" message or a "we have received your email" confirmation; mailing list services also sometimes use that term for a specific feature they offer, referring to an automated message sent in response to a triggering event, such as a subscriber's birthday or making a purchase.
Also note that you may be able to use our Zapier integration as a middleman to integrate with any mailing list service not listed below.
About Subscription Opt-ins
In order to comply with EU GDPR requirements, buyers can only be subscribed to an email list if they deliberately choose to opt-in.
For card-based checkout methods and our Free Checkout, we provide an opt-in checkbox to Subscribe on our checkout screen. We will also show an opt-in checkbox to Subscribe on your E-junkie-generated thank-you/download pages if the buyer did not tick the opt-in box on their card/free checkout screen, or if they went through PayPal checkout which does not have any subscription opt-in feature.
These opt-ins will determine whether we add the buyer to any Buyer Group email lists we manage for our built-in Updates & Newsletters service, and whether we submit the buyer's name/email to any of the third-party mailing list service integrations listed above.
If your product is itself a paid subscription to receive periodic delivery of purchased content via email, or sold with an explicit promise of later file updates to be sent after the original purchase, or a "pre-order" item sold to early buyers with digital delivery to be provided later, then to ensure that all buyers of the product are subscribed we can manually enable a "soft opt-in" for the product—i.e., an opt-in implicit by the fact they knowingly chose to purchase a subscription or pre-order product. If you'd like us to do this, just contact us to let us know which product(s) should have it enabled.
If you won't have any email newsletter subscriptions and don't want to distract your buyers with any subscription checkboxes, from your E-junkie Dashboard you can go to Manage Seller Account > Edit Preferences and tick the box to Hide Subscribe checkbox in Checkout and Thank-you Pages; this will also opt-out all your future buyers from any subscriptions at our end.