E-junkie Help >
I can't add an item to cart; it says "out of stock".
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This means your product settings have Limit available stock enabled with a quantity of units in stock which has reached 0. To fix this in your E-junkie Dashboard, edit your product and make sure Show Advanced Settings is ticked at the top, then do one of the following, depending on how your product is otherwise set up:
- Scroll down to the Inventory Control section, where you can either update the quantity of units in stock, or untick Limit available stock to remove the restriction entirely;
- If your product Sends Stored Codes, the list of stored codes determines how many units remain in stock, so you can simply replenish that list to make the product available again—note that this setting is unrelated to issuing download links, so if your product only issues a file download, you can untick the Stored Codes option to make the product available again;
- If your product uses Variants affecting item SKU/price/weight/stock, we track available units in stock for each variant combination individually—see our Variants help page for how to update the stock for each variant, or you can just disable the stock restriction entirely by scrolling to the Inventory Control section, where you'd untick Limit available stock.