I am having problem with the cart shipping settings, just wondering if you can help.

Our current shipping charges is as followed:

Parcel Pack 1kg (35.27 ounces) = £6.50

Parcel Pack 5kg (176.35 ounces) = £7.50

Parcel Pack up to 15kg (529.05 ounces) = £10.50

Can you tell me how I should set up the cart shipping in accordance to the charges above? I have played around for a long time but could not get it to work.

Obviously for multiple orders that are less than 15kgs will only be charged £10.50. And same again for multiple orders that are less than 5kg and 1kg will be charged £7.50 and 6.50.

I have added 1 product into my account at the moment but could not carry on because I could not figure out the shipping settings. It will be greatly appreciated if you can help me with this matter. This is a great system by the way.

  • created

    Dec '07
  • last reply

    Dec '07
  • 1


  • 813


  • 2


Since we don't support weight tables, there is no way you can achieve this exact scenario using our current shipping settings.

What you can do is to have a set handling fee, like 600 and then have a rate of .01 per ounce. That will come close to your shipping costs.

I am sorry that currently I can not offer you a better solution.