2 / 4
Nov 2012


I want to sell combined products. The problem is that I can't get this to send the stored serial numbers for each of the individual products. For my single item products, it sends the serial number with no problem.

However, when I group multiple item together into a single item, it won't send the serial numbers from each individual product. It only sends the download links for each product, but not the serial numbers. It will send the serial numbers entered into the grouped product item. However, I can only enter the serial numbers for one of the products this way.

Is there a way to have E-Junkie send all of the stored codes for the individual products that are sold combined in a single shopping cart item?

Thanks, Damon

  • created

    Nov '12
  • last reply

    Nov '12
  • 3


  • 1.1k


  • 2


Hi Damon,

Since bundle products can only pull download links from other products you would need to set the bundle itself up to deliver codes.

If you need to deliver multiple codes you can still do that... for example, if you are using Stored Codes then you can enter a special list of stored codes that contains all of the necessary serial numbers for the included products on the same line. We deliver each line of the list for every purchase, so you can just separate the serial numbers for each product with commas or even spell it out like so:

Serial Number A: asdf-ghjk, Serial Number B: zxcv-bnm, Serial Number C: qwer-tyui

Serial Number A: fdsa-lkjh, Serial Number B: jkas-aksd, Serial Number C: yuin-hkan


If you are using Generated Codes you could create a keygen script that reports a whole series of the appropriate serial numbers for each purchase rather than one at a time.

Thanks, that worked.

Just in case anyone else needs to do this................

They may not all fit on one line when you setup the item. (for mine it takes 3 lines per group of codes). However, it will send all of the codes because it separates them by the hard returns. So you can just copy and paste from a spreadsheet or text document and it will work even though the group of codes show on multiple lines.

Yes, that's exactly correct, sorry that I didn't clarify that. The hard return/line break is how our system determines where a code ends, so don't worry about any text wrapping when you make your list.