Hey guys!
Currently I only use PayPal to let users buy from me. I don't have PayPal Pro, so buyers checkout on PayPal instead of the default e-junkie Checkout page. When I say e-Junkie checkout page, I'm referring to this: 42https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24320670/cartbefore.PNG42
I tested PayPal Pro on my site once, but as soon as I found out that this was how the checkout page looked, I decided not to implemented. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but that page is ugly! Specially for a checkout page in 2015. From the Serif font (is that Times News Roman?) to the boxes, it just doesn't look like something that's safe. If my buyers are anything like me, they would not feel confident entering their payment info in there.
I have a solution though! Why don't you guys update the CSS of that page? I know that you can't allow users to update it themselves because of security reasons, but isn't it about time (since it's 2015 an all) that you guys redesign that page to look like something modern?
I did a test. Using Firebug I was able to update the CSS of that page. It took me 20 minutes to come to this result: 17https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24320670/cartafter.PNG17
Here's before: 42https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24320670/cartbefore.PNG42
Here's After: 17https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24320670/cartafter.PNG17
It's no argument that the After looks a lot better, and that's something I threw together in 20 minutes! I would sooner enter my payment info on the updated form than the current one.
So my request is, could you guys please, please I'm begging you, update the current checkout page? Just make it look cool and modern. If I can do this in 20 minutes, by just spending a couple hours you guys could create something that looks super sexy! Could you do that? Think of how much better it would be. I would implement it in my checkout process immediately.
Jul '15
last reply
Sep '16
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