Hi there. Just had an issue where I sold a physical item, and got a confirmation from Paypal with no physical address. Then had had to chase down the concept in the forum that "Shipping/Buyer's Address" had to be checked for each individual physical item added. Fair enough - makes sense.
Suggestion: When one is signed up as a physical item (non-digital item) seller, the "single file download", "send stored codes", and "send generated codes" check boxes are, naturally, grayed out during "add product" and "edit product". That makes perfect sense.
However - if one ISN'T selling and CAN'T sell digital items, (because of the type of subscription) doesn't it make equally good sense that the Shipping/Buyer's Address checkbox get FILLED by default for all items added - for sellers who must, per say, need the physical address of the buyer because they are apparently indicating to e-junkie that they are NOT delivering a digital product?
It would be fine to make it un-checkable (though I'm not sure why as a non-digital item seller one would want to un-check it) but filling by default would protect non-digital delivery sellers from accidentally failing to check the necessary box to get addresses to send their physical product to.
This would be seem to be a more efficient use of computers who love to do repetitive things v. humans who take finite amounts of time to check details, and sometimes fail to understand the system at work.
Of course, (while I'm kibbitzing,) if the "Add Item >> Shipping/Buyer's Address" checkbox label simply read, "PHYSICAL item: Get Buyer's address/calculate Shipping" the confusion would not exist in the first place.
Also, IMO, neither the "send generated codes" or "Shipping/Buyer's address checkboxes should be in the interior (nested to the right of the main list of checkboxes). Checkboxes not in the main line of boxes on the left are ergonomically inefficient, because they are easier for the new user to miss - and there's no lack of space below on that page.
Dex }:>=-