20 / 20
Apr 2008

Funny how I have to have the link above tell me if e-junkie is working or not.

Alert Type: Site Not Available

Result: Failed

Time: March 9, 2008 17:32:13 PST

HostName/URL: www.e-junkie.com

Monitor Name: E-Junkie

The system confirmed 5 failed checks at 30 minute intervals starting

at March 9, 2008 17:34:24 PST

Alert Type: Site is Available

Result: Ok

Time: March 9, 2008 20:02:20 PST

HostName/URL: www.e-junkie.com

Monitor Name: E-Junkie

Great site - unfortunately it looks like I'll be using this often to check on E-Junkie.

22 days later

Once again, I get notified when the site is down. Can ejunkie please set up a system like this to notify us? That would be great, and simple to do.



This is an automated message:

The system confirmed 1 failed checks at 30 minute intervals starting

at April 1, 2008 12:45:28 PST

Alert Type: Site is Available

Result: Ok

Time: April 1, 2008 13:13:20 PST

HostName/URL: www.e-junkie.com

Monitor Name: E-Junkie

Service: http

When the service is down, we are devoting everything we have to restoring it for you ASAP, rather than idly posting notification that we're down and saying we'll be working on getting it back soon. "If we're talking, we ain't walking." If being alerted of outages is important to you, well, you've already discovered a service that can do that for you, so I don't think we need to divert limited resources to reinvent the wheel there.

Now that we have expanded our support staffing, Robin and his Dev team can devote more of their time and efforts towards eliminating problems and making E-junkie even better in the future. Development/Ops is focusing its full attention towards success in providing a clean, lean and mean shopping cart with the easiest setup and greatest reliability we can muster. I dare say, we have little interest in diverting resources away from improvement in order to address problems in a way that does not actually fix those problems. "Never rob success to pay an advance to failure."


Glad you are here to help.

I don't agree entirely with you but understand what you mean.

Companies that provide services to websites, sales, etc around the clock all notify you of problems - if they are a quality service. If not then they at least post some problem on a website that is not connected to the service related server so everyone can see what the problem is.

I am very sure I speak for everyone because it just makes good common sense to notify your customers when they are down in this type of business because we all start getting slammed with emails or messed up transactions from the customers. If we knew ahead of time that it was a problem we would be better off.

The service that I presented is free and does not provide fast enough resoulution of notice for a free acccount. I was showing ejunkie that so they could either sign up to that type of service and then send out messages to all of us on a list. This is a quality move.

Also, if you servers are causing problems then I also posted a site hosting service that is high quality and decent prices.

I am trying to help e-junkie see how a few improvments would make them set at a higher level.

1 - We really do need a notification if e-junkie it down.

2 - This website needs to be hosted on a completely different server then e-junkie itself so we can get the messages and communicate. I am concerned that e-junkie needs to host this site on the same site. It tells me alot about setup and process standards are e-junkie.

3 - We need support to answer questions. I hope this is now solved with you.

Just these simple things is what most all companies do they are doing things right.

My advice is free and can be thrown away, but it is well thought out and straight forward with no beating around the bush.

I only want to have e-junkie improve and this things I mention are not costsly whatsoever.

Thanks for your feedback and advice. We have indeed been migrating E-junkie to a new, high-grade and local co-location facility where we can have greater reliability, control and isolation from interfering factors. This recent migration effort is another of the reasons (aside from staff and office expansion) that we haven't lately been as responsive and reliable as you, or we for that matter, would prefer to maintain, but we're now "over the hump" in terms of putting the recent teething pains behind us and eliminating such issues from recurring in the future.

If only it were possible to send advance notice of unplanned system outages, we'd want to receive those ourselves! Not that you or anyone were expecting that per se, but rest assured our priorities are to prevent outages first, then recover from outages ASAP if they happen and notify everyone about it afterwards.

There are interdependencies between this public informational site, the Admin pages and the E-junkie cart that prevent greater server segregation at the moment (which itself would also compound the complexity of server administration and reliability, increase costs, etc.), but which are also responsible for the tight integration that makes E-junkie generally so easy to setup and smooth to use. Our future plans already include strategies to improve reliability and provide fallbacks such as you described and otherwise, so you can look forward to that in the near future.

In the meantime, one handy side-effect of the current, tight integration is that if you start getting those calls or emails ever again (and we do aim to prevent that), one glance at www.e-junkie.com will show you immediately if we're up or down. If you can't bring up our site, you know right at that moment that we're devoting everything we've got towards restoring our service, and we'll notify you what happened after the fact once any crisis is over, so you're not left wondering what happened or for how long.

I am starting to see the big picture. Red flag has been raised for me.

Well, it is apparently not actually true that checking your front page will tell us if the cart is working. I can get here right now but if someone tries to make a purchase from my site they get the transaction can not be accepted error.

Yesterday the cart was down. Today it was up for awhile but is now down again.

Not letting us know and not posting the problem somewhere is bad enough. Not answering the phone or returning the call OR responding to the trouble ticket on top of it is inexcusable.

Nice service offering - poor execution. I was about to commit today when I noiticed my site failed to load below the check cart button. Looked to the e-junkie site and the domain failed to load!!!!!!!! Imagine that.

Can sell and can't even display my pages - BAD CHOICE FOR RELIABILITY - what happend to basic server mirroring and diverse comms paths - you know, one goes down, the other saves the day!!!


Bad choice for reliability? I've been using e-junkie for over a year. Only a couple of instances in the last two months have I had ANY problems. For over 12 months, they have been extremely reliable. I know everyone has been making angry posts due to lost sales, and yeah I understand. Today I'm a couple hundred behind the curve on the PPC costs since no one can buy.

One the other hand, I have faith that they'll get things put back together soon. This shopping cart is clearly innovative and when the alternative is some bloated PHP backend that takes 20 clicks to make a purchase, I think e-junkie comes out on top by a mile.

It's not like they keep having server outages and not doing anything about it. They're moving data centers. Maybe scale back the advertising for a day or two if you're too worried, but cut them some slack.

OK, so some slack - I think the service IS inovative too - thing is, in my 5 day trial including my site conversion to them for that trial, the service failed BIG time. I have managed large scale IT solutions and downtime was never NEVER an option, including data center moves!

Becasue the soilution is elegant, I'm on the fence becasue it SHOULD be a winner, locking out my site (our yours) at the view buttom in NOT acceptable. Are they listening?

amm i a dummy or how do i use/configure this to monitor my ejunkie carts/buttons, as opposed to my whole site in general. i already know thats up....


When you sell tangable goods - down time is critical - consumers will not buy from sites that do not work!!