10 / 12
Jul 2009


I’ve been having some problems with customers recently. Our default destination on our checkout is UK, but we have some US customers putting in their full US address, but forget about the pull-down menu. This means that the shipping cost stays at the UK price.

It’s getting to be a real pain having to email them to tell them about the mistake and having another list to keep track on. Is there any way to fix this so that if the pull-down menu and shipping address don’t match up, an error will appear telling the customer the problem?

Most, if not all e-commerce sites do that. Is there away to fix this with e-Junkie?


  • created

    Jul '09
  • last reply

    Jul '09
  • 11


  • 1.5k


  • 3


  • 2


E-junkie is a bit unusual among e-commerce solutions, in that most checkouts take place on a completely different site (e.g. PayPal.com), which limits what is possible for us to do. This is one of the inherent tradeoffs with E-junkie's easy-to-use, centrally-managed solution vs. installing and configuring a more complicated and technically-demanding e-commerce software solution on your own server. Please see this FAQ page for a description of what happens in various scenarios when the destination a buyer selects in their E-junkie cart does not match the address they provide during checkout:



Sorry, but PayPal just emailed and informed me that the problem doesn't come from their end, so they can't advise on a solution.

There's no way to fix this within e-Junkie?


I'm having the same problem but this is meaning I'm being scammed and I'm losing alot of money.

I only offer digital delivery within a few countries within Europe but I'm getting orders from places like India and USA with the buyer just using the GB option.

I get a email saying "WARNING: Shipping country selected by buyer in checkout page does not match country selected in cart(GB) to calculate shipping/tax!"

The order is still sent and by them time i can do anything the item has been used.

I check the IP address and its still from the UK so its a fake address.

Then a PayPal claim comes in for Unauthorised payment,

I can't do anything because the only options I'm giving is to provide tracking or refund.

I also looked at the whole PayPal site and contacted them to find a way to block mismatched address' but nothing.


Are any of the admins or tech staff going to respond to this thread?

This is two paying customers having problems.

Please advise us on how to fix this, since PayPal assured me the problem doesn't lay in their system.

Our system logs and fulfills an order as soon as PayPal sends our system an IPN confirming successful completed payment. If there's a way to put all payments on hold for manual review without auto-completing them at PayPal's end, that is something we have no control over, so you would need to consult PayPal help pages or support staff for further assistance with that. Likewise with any setting that would block checkouts from proceeding on PayPal's site when the Shipping country selected in the cart does not match the address provided during eheckout -- we know they have such a setting, so it's just a matter of finding it or finding someone at PayPal who can tell you where to enable it in your account settings.

You may be interested in this recent thread describing some success in contesting disputes with PayPal:


I still don't know what to do here again today i have lost over £200 due to one scam.

I found the feature in PayPal which lets me block certain countries so this will stop some scams now.

But there doesn't seem to be anyway of blocking payments where the PayPal registered address doesn't match the cart.

There also is no way of limiting the amount of orders somebody can make which is why this is effecting me so bad.

I have limited the cart so only 1 order can be made at a time but the scammers still buy 20 or more overnight one at a time.

The only thing i can think of is the turn off the IPN in PayPal when I'm not able to watch the orders coming in, will this work or when i turn the IPN back on will it send the orders out again that it missed?

Doing all this though is making me think its not even worth paying for e-junkie.

I saw the tread about some people winning PayPal claims but this will not work for me, the claims i get i only get 3 options 1, Refund 2, Prove i have already refunded 3, Enter tracking number from authorised company.



Sorry, but I just had another message from PayPal telling me that there address and zipcode system can only be used for calculating shipping tax, and not to verify that the address and zip or country match up for the purposes we're looking for here.

It looks like this is a in-built problem for PayPal and e-Junkie, and there's no way to fix it.

Sorry Beany, but it looks like the e-Junkie cart won't be much use to you. Have you looked at Google Cart?



I've received some clarification on what kind of address-related blocking PayPal can do. Apparently they cannot block destination mismatches, because they don't even provide any way to pass a destination country/postcode from our cart to their checkout, so they have no way of knowing if there's a mismatch.

However, if you wish, your PayPal account settings allow you to block specific countries from being able to complete a checkout at all; you should also select permitted countries in your Seller Admin > Cart Shipping Settings > Shipping Destinations list. By combining those settings at our end and PayPal's end, there should be no chance for a buyer to select a blocked destination country, neither in the cart before checkout nor during checkout itself.

Cheers for that.

Unlike Beany above, my problems arise when US buyers leave the pulldown menu at UK, meaning the postage paid is way off. Since most of my business comes from the US, blocking it would be counter productive to say the least.

Is this something e-Junkie will address in future updates?

Hm, if most of your business is from the US, you may want to set United States as the default shipping country in the cart. You can do this in Seller Admin > Account Preferences.

Also, for PayPal checkouts where we can neither block completion of checkout nor recalculate shipping during checkout when the destination provided during checkout does not match that selected in the cart, we do email you a Notification of such a discrepancy, so before you ship the item, you can contact the buyer to see if they want to make up the difference in shipping charges or just cancel their order.

You may also wish to consider upgrading to PayPal Pro and/or adding Google Checkout to your payment options, so at least buyers who choose to pay that way would have their shipping recalculated accurately during checkout if the destination has changed there vs. their cart selection.