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Dec 2007

If somone purchases multiple quantities of an item that uses generated codes, is the purchase info sent to the code generator url multiple times? 1 for each quantity?

I need to know so that I can set up the database appropriately.

(would love to see a mention on how quantity affects code generation in the help...)

I just verified this and only 1 code is generated and sent to the user. I've resolved this on my end by adjusting the number of times a code can be used to match the quanity purchased.

If this method changes on the e-junkie side at all in the future, it will break my system so I need to know when it happens (otherwise I'll lose customers).


We only consider quantity for "stored codes", for generated codes we send the data to your script and use what it sends us.

Quantity is also used to increase the download limit of a file. So a download link generated when a quantity of 2 is purchased for a product with download limit set to 5, will be good for 10 downloads.

As mentioned in a related post, I will update my generator to spit out a code for quantity%item number% of times.

Thanks for the follow up and this great service!