5 / 11
Nov 2013

Hi Guys,

I looked here and the answer wasn't obvious


I'd like to add my customer's chosen shipping method (standard or insured) to the ejunkie common thank you email. I can see their shipping method on the sales confirmation I get from ejunkie -- like this:

Shipping Information



Customer' name

Street XX

City, State 12345


Shipping Method: insured

But I don't see a way to pass the SHIPPING METHOD info along in the email template for customers. Because the SHIPPING METHOD doesn't show in their Paypal receipt either, I get a LOT of emails from people who are not sure what kind of shipping they have chosen. Below is what I'd like to do

Ideally, it would be something like this in my template:

Dear [%first_name%],

Thanks for ordering from our shop...bla bla.

Your shipping method is [% ????? %]

Your invoice ID is [%invoice%]

I sure hope this is possible!

Thanks in advance,


  • created

    Sep '13
  • last reply

    Mar '15
  • 10


  • 1.7k


  • 3


  • 1


I am sorry, but there is not a variable that will add the shipping method to the thank you e-mail.

1 month later

OK, following up on this to try to find a workaround, as my customers are having a lot of trouble seeing what shipping method they chose (Standard or Insured) after checkout. And that is leading to MAJOR HEADACHES for me on the customer service front.

1) Is there a way to inform buyers of the their chosen shipping method by passing a "custom" variable? There must be SOME way to get it to show up in either the Paypal receipt, ejunkie receipt, ejunkie thank you page, or, well, anywhere my customers can refer to it. They forget very quickly what they choose in the shopping cart.

2) If the above isn't possible, is there a way to pass on the chosen shipping method on the custom thank you page? I don't think so, but maybe I'm missing it.

If neither 1 or 2 are possible, are you guys adding this to your update that is coming soon? If not, please consider it - if I can get the shipping method in my internal mail, then I should be able to get it to my customers automatically too. And it's pretty natural for a buyer to want proof of whatever shipping method they chose, without having to connect a dollar amount to the terms listed on our website.

By way of explanation, I can't resend lost or damaged items unless my customers opt for insured shipping. It's stated in our shipping terms, in the ejunkie thank you mail, etc. But I get loads of customers who don't remember what they chose, and because the shipping method doesn't show up on ANYTHING they get from me, it can lead to some rather awkward situations. Ideally, I need an automated system (mail, thank you page, paypal receipt, etc that says)

Hi Firstname,

Your shipping method is: XXXX

We will ship to this address: XXXX

You ordered the following items: XXXX

yada yada yada

If this can't be done with Ejunkie as-is, any developers out there please feel free to contact me about doing some custom scripting.



I will have to ask Development if they can add support for a template code to insert the buyer's chosen shipping method description in their thank-you pages and emails. I'll recommend they implement this with the template code [%shipping_method_desc%], and I suspect this may be fairly simple for them to accomplish soon.

Oh oh oh, it would be so helpful if they could do that. It's really quite a customer service problem having no way for buyers to see the shipping method they chose after their purchase. I can only reimburse them for lost or damaged items if they choose "insured" shipping". Now they can say, "Oh, I thought I had that" and I have no real recourse.

As it is now, I have to trust that they read the fine print on the shipping terms page, my explanation in the sales confirmation email (which they rarely do). Many many thanks!

1 year later

Hi E-JunkieGuru and team, has there been any progress on this? I just started my campaign today. I expect around 1000 orders within the next 48 hours, which is awesome. But...

Just like last time in 2013, I am getting swamped with emails from concerned customers who can't tell which shipping METHOD they chose (they only see the amount paid). Many of them want me to check, and then they want to upgrade if they had "standard." You can imagine that having to email back and forth, and manually make loads of little changes to orders after they've been placed is not a lot of fun to keep track of.

It would be a lifesaver to be able to include the shipping METHOD in either the "thank you" email or web page, or ideally as some kind of button variable that will have it show up on the Paypal receipt. I can not emphasize enough how much extra stress and work this missing feature is creating for me.

Any chance this is a feature that's been added that I have missed somehow? I see the shipping METHOD in the emails I get from you, so the data is there somewhere. I just need an automated way to make it clear to the customers.



It doesn't appear Development ever implemented this, so it probably fell off their radar. I've reminded them about it again just now and will followup here as soon as there's any further news on that front.

19 days later

Hi E-JunkieGuru

How much would it cost me to PAY YOUR DEVELOPERS to add this asap?

I am desperate now, and being run into the ground taking care of the whole stream of extra emailing, bookkeeping, order handling, and admin that would be avoided if I could just pass the shipping method on to the customers in either the Thank You page or Email.

I have literally HUNDREDS of email questions (see example below), which often come in AFTER an order has already been packed and put into bags for shipping, because only then do the customers get around to reading their order confirmation email where they are (again) informed that I'm not responsible if they chose standard shipping.

Oh, fun times.

I am totally not joking about paying your developers -- please email me about the details and if it's at all within my budget I will do it immediately. If it's indeed a "fairly simple" operation, I would think we can arrange something! :-)



EXAMPLE EMAIL that starts the chain of torture in the hell of unnecessary admin:

"Hello, I hope this email finds you well. I am unsure whether my order (----) includes insured shipping or whether i have opted for the standard shipping. I would be very keen to upgrade to insured shipping (and be billed for the difference). Is this possible?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


"random customer name"

I fully understand your frustration. Unfortunately, I haven't heard any news from Development about your particular request, but it comes down to a matter of time scheduling and task prioritization rather than cashflow. Lately, they've been working on setting up a sandbox server where the team of other developers we now have access to can start to contribute programming work, so although this has put other to-dos on the back burner for now, it will allow us to start turning around tasks on a quicker and more consistent basis in the near future.

Meanwhile, have you considered adding an insured shipping warning/disclaimer to your cart as a customization, so buyers would be able to read and act on that before they proceed to checkout? To do this, just add the following lines to your View Cart code on every page, just after the line "function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; }" in the standard View Cart code you obtained from Seller Admin:

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {


"<b>NOTE:</b>We can only refund items lost/damaged in shipment if you choose <b>INSURED shipping</b> here!");


Oh, THAAAAANK YOU!!!! This is definitely better than nothing. I warn customers all over the site, in the thank you emails, etc. But when they can't actually see their chosen shipping method in the TY page or email, they get very confused. I will test the above option from today forward and see how it goes.

Because many people spew vitriol on the internet anytime they're the tiniest bit unhappy about something, I get forced into refunding/reshipping uninsured orders even though I don't want to, which isn't a lotta fun. So for me it's my number one, highest-priority desired upgrade/change to the cart.

I hope this doesn't come off as spewing vitriol!

Thanks for the workaround! :-)

