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Apr 2009

Is there a way to create a product with a notes field - i.e. shipping instructions or say for customized printing/engraving.

You can enable "Variations which tell more..." in a product's settings, then on the Next screen you will be able to provide a name for up to 3 Option categories (e.g. Option1Name: Notes, Option2Name: Engraving Message), and below that you can either specify a list of values for each option that buyers can select in a menu, or leave the list blank to offer a text field buyers can type into for that option. The Add to Cart button code we provide will then include the menu(s) and/or text field(s) that you have configured for those options.

Cheers Tyson, I've used that, and am guessing that my question is not possible at the moment. Perhaps it is something you could build into the system at a later point?

Basically its a need for a totally customizable data entry field for the customer - a notes field appended to the product.

Potential uses include:

- Personalization of product (i.e. words for engraving (i.e. as apple do with ipods))

- Personal delivery instructions (i.e. leave under the green bin on the left side of the house)

- Personal thank you notes for music downloads,

- Wrapping instructions (i.e. a request for plain packaging as it is for a birthday present that you don't want your other half to know about)


Anyway, just a thought, I will work around for now.

The "Variations which tell more..." setting I described could be used to add a customizable "notes" field for the product, which the buyer could fill in before they click Add to Cart for that product.

If you enable Variations (not Variants) and specify Option Name(s) -- e.g. "Delivery instructions" or "Personalized engraving" etc. -- if you also leave the list of Values blank for any Option Name, that will add a text field for that Option into the Add to Cart button code for that product.

Thanks for bearing with me! I won't need to be told a third time : )

Pure genius