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Jun 2011

I had a problem to post, but everytime I try to post the code it turns the entire posting into a blank page...which isn't viewable on any computer. I'm just trying to ask about why when I reformat the code from the fat free cart generator into different table cells it no longer works properly. I have my original post saved, so if you would like to see it please let me know how I can repost it so that everyone can see it and possibly help me. I realize at this point I have spammed the crap out of the forum, and I'm really sorry about that, but I don't like giving up, so I modified it and tried posting it a few more times. Once again sorry for the spam, I hope everyone understands. You can visit www.microroaster.com/traditionals_test.html1 to see the problem I am having. The first item is formatted the way I want, but does not open in the pop up. The second one is cut and pasted from the fat free cart site and works in the pop up but is not formatted the way I want. My original post was much more in depth and had examples of the coding, but at this point I'm too scared to post any part of it in fear that people will not be able to see this post.

  • created

    Jun '11
  • last reply

    Jun '11
  • 5


  • 1.4k


  • 4


  • 2


Our apologies for the posting trouble you encountered; our Development team is investigating the bug in our forum software that your posts apparently ran afoul of.

It appears you're using the FatFreeCart.com service, so please bear in mind that we provide that on a strictly do-it-yourself basis with no support whatsoever (that's a major reason it's free :^), so you're expected to figure it out on your own and troubleshoot any issues you may have with that. If you decide to upgrade to an E-junkie cart subscription (aka "FatFreeCart Pro"), that does of course include tech support. Since we don't normally provide support for FatFreeCart, our support team isn't very familiar with how it works, but we can try to answer your question this time.

From what you described, it sounds like a problem related to proper nesting of table and form codes in HTML; see this post for further details and examples:


Sorry about that!

I traced the problem to a 3rd-party library the forum uses for text processing; a certain function was being done in a suboptimal manner with respect to memory usage, and your post full of html tags caused it to run out of memory and die. I replaced it with a different technique, so it can handle your posts now (yay for open source!)

I still need to investigate what's going on with the excessive script quoting, however; it looks like our javascript injection blocking may be going a little overboard.

I've taken the liberty of deleting your duplicate post attempts just to keep things tidy, sorry for the confusion and inconvenience.

Thank you very much Guru and RocketScientist. Your help is greatly appreciated. I've cleaned up some of the coding, so it looks a little better now, and the table problem was the issue. I still can't use the buttons I made instead, but I'm perfectly ok just using the ones that came with the ffc. Since I have your guys attention, is there a way to pass an item weight to Paypal? You've already gone above and beyond the call of duty, so thank you for that, and thank you for offering a free shopping cart for companies with low funds (coffee is really expensive right now...) like us.

All we really send to PayPal is a total price for processing, shipping with FatFreeCart is handled by setting an additional cost to factor into the total per item.

Our upgraded E-junkie cart service allows you to set weight values for items, but even then that is for shipping calculations that are handled on this side of the order before the total is sent off to PayPal for processing.