4 / 4
Oct 2010

When I put my cursor on the Payapal checkout button in my cart, I get a rollover message saying 'Pay with Paypal'. I think that could be potentially confusing and want rid of it.

Anybody know how I can do that?

I'd appreciate it if any replies were 'half-wit friendly'.

Thanks in advance.

  • created

    Oct '10
  • last reply

    Oct '10
  • 3


  • 961


  • 3


That is the "alt text" property for the PayPal checkout button, and it does not automatically display in every browser. Although our cart can be customized to change the image for the checkout button itself I am not aware of a setting to change or remove the alt text.

Keep in mind that text only appears on PayPal buttons where it is relevant and was set intentionally. It really isn't confusing to say that the checkout button leads to paying with PayPal when that is exactly what it does. :wink:

Thanks for your reply. The reason I feel it could be confusing for a customer is that the 'alt text' might give some the impression that they need a Paypal account before they can pay and I really don't want to put ANY potential obstacles between the customer and a sale.

Also, I note that e-junkie's 'demo cart' Paypal button doesn't produce the alt text.

The cart on our demo page is exactly the same cart all our clients use, so they should all behave the same way; however, different Web browser programs may treat the alt-text differently -- some may show it as a hovering "tool tip" label, others only show it if the image itself fails to load (or if the user has disabled images), others make it a user preference. Its primary purpose is for visually-impaired users who may be using a screen reader, so the alt-text tells them what the button is for, if they can't see the image.

That said, you can change what the alt text says by adding the following to your View Cart code on every page, just before the "// -->" line in the standard View Cart code you get from Seller Admin (you can change "Click here for checkout" to say whatever you wish):

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {

jQuery("#btnPP").attr("alt", "Click here for checkout");
