7 / 10
Apr 2016

Could you please link me to the documentation that shows how to change the Checkout button to a button that shows all Credit Cards AND Paypal?

Right now mine just shows Checkout with Paypal.

I have spent an hour searching and can't find the answer.

It is a function of the type of Paypal account I have? Seems like that shouldn't matter, since the customer does not need a Paypal account to purchase,

but this button likely makes many people abandon ship, thinking Paypal is the only option to buy.


  • created

    Apr '16
  • last reply

    Apr '16
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First, bear in mind the PayPal Standard checkout site can usually offer a card-based payment option for buyers who don't have a PayPal account; this depends on your PayPal account type and settings, among some other factors, as we explain in more detail here:


However, that approach would still only show a single PayPal checkout button in your cart; you can use our cart customization code to replace the standard button with any custom image you might prefer, such as a button graphic that includes card logos:


If you want to show a separate checkout button in your cart for card-based direct payments, you would need to upgrade to one of the services listed in the Payment Gateways section here:


Of those, PayPal Payments Advanced and Pro require offering buyers a PayPal checkout button alongside the card-based checkout button. If you'd prefer not to offer payment by PayPal at all, any of the other Payment Gateways listed there can be used independently with or without PayPal.

Thanks for all the great info!

For a quick fix, I am trying the custom cart link you gave me.

Ideally, I prefer the upgrade option for a separate checkout button or card-based direct payments.

But I will look into that later.

For now, I tried using the custom card code, and the result: it is still using the old button, which seems impossible.

Could you please view my source at 2http://hydrabrush.com/order/2 and let me know where I went wrong?

Thank you so much!

After studying the custom-cart.htm page more closely, I figured out the problem.

I had duplicate function lines for more customizations.

So I have already uploaded the fixed code and now my new checkout button works.

Now I just need to adjust the height of the box, so that scrolling isn't necessary.

One thing I have not figured out:

I am having some text that is not showing up in my cart:

"PayPal is our credit card processor. You do not need a Paypal account."

Is there something wrong with this code?


function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; }

function EJEJC_config() {






function EJEJC_shown() {

jQuery("#btnPP").attr("src", "http://hydrabrush.com/images/ccpp.jpg");

jQuery("#tdPmnt").attr("innerHTML", "PayPal is our credit card processor. You do not need a Paypal account.");


// -->

awesome! Yep, that fixed it, thanks.

So, now my current code (which fixed the problem) is:

function EJEJC_shown() {

jQuery("#btnPP").attr("src", "http://hydrabrush.com/images/ccpp.jpg");

ejejc_jQuery("#tdPmnt").attr("innerHTML", "PayPal is our credit card processor. You do not need a Paypal account.");


It's odd to me how I have one line start with jQuery, and the second line ejejc_jQuery, and they are both successfully doing what they should, despite my site using it's own version of jQuery. (It's just a template, that's why I do not know the inner workings of jQuery)

I guess I could just be be happy and move on!

I think the conflict primarily or only affects "innerHTML" replacements, so the "ejejc_" prefix is necessary there; the other one should work fine with or without the prefix, but we'd recommend adding it just in case your site's version of jQuery might ever get updated to a version which conflicts with that replacement as well.

Thanks again for all the info. Support here is outstanding.