42 / 44
Feb 2014

Development has looked into this and determined that even before we have a setting for this in Seller Admin, most of the back-end groundwork is already in place to support opting-out all buyers in order to suppress showing the sign-up checkbox.

They're still ironing out the details of that, but if you'd like this done for your account as soon as we have it sorted out, please email your request to support, so we can assign that to Development's to-do list:


Ok, great! Thanks for that! I will send an email to support.


Ok, great! Thanks for that! I will send an email to support.


1 month later

So if you integrate Mailchimp , the buyers e-mail address and name will only be passed to you if they 'opt-in' at checkout then ?

It's not clear.... on the Mailchimp site it makes it sound like any e-junkie transaction will grab the name and e-mail address. Not just the ones who 'opt-in'

It says " Here's what we'll grab from each E-Junkie transaction" .... first name, last name,e-mail address ......

Our built in Buyer Group mailing lists and our Aweber integration method will respect the buyer's opt-in preference during checkout.

MailChimp uses our generic custom/3rd-party Integration method, which does not transmit the buyer's opt-in preference, so they should receive the buyer's details for every sale (if you use the Common Notification URL setting in your Account Preferences), or for sales of whichever particular product(s) you wish (if you use "Send transaction data to a URL" and "Payment Variable Information URL" in the relevant products' settings).

So in other words even if there is an opt-in button, and the purchaser doesn't check it, they still get added to the MailChimp mailing list......

So if a MailChimp user sent them an e-mail they could quite correctly say 'hey I chose NOT to opt-in to you your newsletter, why am I getting this?'

E-Junkie and Mailchimp need to get together and fix that... it seems crazy. Even Mailchimp has all over their site that they are an Opt-in ESP only. This goes against their own rules.

Glad I read this post. Also glad that other folks have brought this issue out in the open. My new ejunkie checkout screen has the opt-in button. Hmmm.... not sure if I like that.

I have to be extremely careful with our customers and the OPT-IN FOR NEWSLETTER stuff (been down this road before).

And what is this "BUILT IN BUYER GROUP MAILING LIST" info mentioned earlier in this thread? Where can we go to read about this?

This issue could be a deal-breaker for us. If we find out we have no control over this, and info on our customers is indeed being shared with other companies, then we are left with an impression of ejunkie and not in their best interest.

Please, expand on this issue.

(Thank God we are still building our site and buttons. Good catch whoever caught this.)

We need total and absolute control over this issue too. Been in hot water before over UCM. Don't want any more trouble with this anymore.

This could be a deal breaker for us. Going to have to think about this today.

I'm so glad our site is under construction and not live.

We do NOT transmit your buyer information to any third-party by default or otherwise without your consent.

MailChimp integration ONLY occurs if you have deliberately followed MailChimp's instructions to set that up. The method that MailChimp chose to receive order data from us cannot indicate the buyer's opt-in preference from checkout methods that offer such a preference.

[EDIT: MailChimp DOES NOT send new subscribers by this integration method a confirmation email with an opt-in link they must click to confirm their wish to subscribe.]

Our Aweber integration method (if you choose to set it up) CAN respect the buyer's opt-in preference for checkout methods that support it:


The Buyer Group lists we maintain for each of your products will also respect the buyer's opt-in preference; you can use these lists with our built-in Updates & Newsletters service for a nominal fee -- see this help page for further details:


Note that PayPal's checkout site does not support any opt-in/-out preference, so buyers using PayPal Standard or PayPal Pro Express Checkout are always opted-in automatically; however, for MailChimp or Aweber subscriptions, they would still receive a confirmation email with an opt-in link they must click to actually get added to that list.

If you would like us to opt-out all of your buyers automatically and remove the opt-in checkbox from checkout pages we maintain for you (card-based direct payments and Free Checkouts) as soon as we develop a method to do so, please email your request to Support, so we can assign that to Development's to-do list:


QUOTE: "as with most reputable mailing list services, MailChimp sends all new subscribers a confirmation email with an opt-in link they must click to confirm their wish to subscribe"

I'm sorry but this information you are giving is not correct.

The E-Junkie - Mailchimp integration does NOT trigger an automatic opt-in e-mail to the customer who gets added to the list.

I have clarified this with Mailchimp directly. So as I said before, even if someone choose to not opt-in , they WILL get added to your list without them knowing.

(this is also mentioned on their site if you need to clarify yourself http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/im-not-receiving-my-subscribe-unsubscribe-notifications)

Aha, I'll admit I was unaware of that technicality, but it makes sense, as most sellers using MailChimp's integration with us are doing so for the purpose of selling subscriptions to a newsletter, so they'd want a foolproof way to make sure their buyers are actually added to the list they paid to join, without requiring any further action on the buyer's part after purchase. I'll edit my earlier comment accordingly.

As you can probably tell, we actually don't know much about MailChimp's integration with us; we only found out about it long after they'd already set it up entirely on their own, without any input or cooperation from us whatsoever, apparently just following the public documentation we posted for our generic custom/third-party Integration feature:


If you require integration with a full-featured mailing list service that can respect opt-in preferences from checkout, we would recommend using Aweber with our built-in integration method for that:


Of course, our built-in Updates & Newsletters service may suffice for more basic needs to send only occasional newsletters:


7 months later

Hi, Checking in a few years later . . . is this possible yet?

I've asked Development to respond here to clarify whether they now have a way to hide the "Sign up for product Updates & Newsletter" checkbox on our card checkout and Free Checkout screens.

6 months later

Do I understand correctly that when you say...

"Checkouts paid through PayPal, Google Checkout, ClickBank, 2CheckOut, or TrialPay would occur on those payment processors' respective checkout sites, so we have no control over them, but PayPal checkouts in particular do not have any opt-in/-out checkbox, so all buyers who pay by PayPal would be opted-in automatically."

...this means if I use Paypal (not Pro) as my cart, then the person making the purchase is never brought to that screen where the checkbox appears. But they are simply added automatically to the Buyers List which is simply something that allows us to have the ability to send fresh download links, as an example, to those who have previously purchased from us. Is this correct?

Yes, you've got it basically correct. Buyers who go through PayPal's checkout site will not see any "Sign up" preference checkbox, so they will automatically be added to your Buyer Group list(s) that we maintain for each item they purchased (and also submitted to your Aweber list if you have that integration set up). These Buyer Group lists are only used for sending Newsletters or Updates (free download links) in bulk to previous buyers.

Okay, good. Although I am still confused about something. I DID set up the Aweber connection a long time ago with my regular Paypal account. I guess I shouldn't have set it up since the checkbox wouldn't have appeared since I have never been a Paypal Pro or Authorize.net user. (Hope that made sense.)

So my Aweber account shows that in the past 2 years, 27 people have found their way to my Aweber list via that checkbox. But how is it the checkbox appeared if I am only using regular ol' Paypal? Any thoughts?

Our Aweber integration isn't solely dependent on the "Sign up" checkbox and checkout methods that have that box.

If you have our Aweber integration set up at our end, the same factors that determine whether we add a buyer to your Buyer Group list(s) also determines whether we submit that buyer's info to Aweber -- i.e., buyers who checkout with PayPal would automatically be submitted to your Aweber list (if you have that set up) as well as added to your Buyer Group list(s).

In case you haven't set up Aweber integration at our end, this help page explains how to do that:


Any Aweber integration you'd set up at PayPal's end probably wouldn't work with E-junkie, since our purchase buttons send our IPN (Instant Payment Notification) requirements to PayPal for each order, which overrides any manual IPN settings in your PayPal account for those orders.

I guess I don't understand. But that's okay. Thanks anyway!! :slight_smile:

1 year later
E-junkie GuruI've asked Development to respond here to clarify whether they now have a way to hide the "Sign up for product Updates & Newsletter" checkbox on our card checkout and Free Checkout screens.

OK - Checking a year on, is there an update on this? I don't see away around it yet.

We've been focused on finishing up the new Admin as a prerequisite to implementing any new features or functionality, so we don't yet have a way to remove the sign-up checkbox from checkout pages we control (for Free Checkout and card-based direct payments).

Regarding the Aweber aspect in particular, they should soon start supporting our standard custom/third-party Integration feature, so once that's ready, Aweber integrations which use or upgrade to that method will disregard the sign-up checkbox, just as MailChimp, Drip, and GetResponse integrations already do.