6 / 6
Oct 2012


I am deciding if I want to use e-junkie or not for my Clickbank product. Is this websites checkout done with e-junkie, http://www.diablo3secrets.com ? I hope so! I've been trying to figure it out forever.



  • created

    Oct '12
  • last reply

    Oct '12
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E-junkie is not a payment processor, so we don't handle any actual checkout funds at any point. That site you referenced don't appear to be using E-junkie, looks like they're just using ClickBank's own, standard purchase links and checkout method, as far as I can tell.

The main point of using E-junkie with ClickBank would be to have us deliver downloads securely for your ClickBank orders, as we issue each buyer a unique download link that expires after the number of Attempts within the number of Hours you specify in the product's settings. This help page explains how to integrate E-junkie with ClickBank:



would like to use their banner in the cart pop up - how do I integrate the code with the e-junkie cart code so it will function ?

HTML Code for Ad Size: 120x90

You’re almost ready to place this financing banner on your website. Just copy the entire code below, and paste it into your website's source code.

Note: Typically banners start serving immediately once you paste the code on to your site, but you might experience up to a 30 minute delay.

<script type="text/javascript">document.write('<scr');document.write('ipt type="text/javascript" data-ppmnid="65291356748649" src="//ad.where.com/jin/spotlight/ads?pubid=2ea7e009d2&format=js&v=2.4&placementtype=120x90&ppmnid=65291356748649&rand=' + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000000000) + '">');document.write('</scr' + 'ipt>');</script>

Hm, I figured out how to get that code into the cart, but it didn't actually execute that script to display the banner, probably because it's only getting inserted into the page when the cart is viewed, rather than when the page is first loaded.

There might be some way of rejiggering things to get it to work, but I'm just not skilled enough in javascript to figure it out myself, and that's really beyond the degree of support we can reasonably offer.

If they offer a non-javascript version of the banner code, that should be much more straightforward to insert in the cart, since you wouldn't be trying to put scripts within scripts within scripts.

What about a simply insertion of an image that when clicked on goes to the paypal checkout process?

There's no way to add a second PayPal checkout button in your cart, but you can replace the PayPal checkout button with a custom image that incorporates whatever graphics you wish. I gather you're using cart customization already, so just add this line to your existing function EJEJC_shown(){} section:

jQuery("#btnPP").attr("src", " http://www.yoursite.com/path/to/custom/image.jpg ");

I'm guessing from the banner code you provided above that you're asking about this in regards to Bill Me Later? I noticed that PayPal's terms for that state:

https://financing.paypal.com/ppfinportal/home/operatingAgmt You must download the official code to use the banners. Do not attempt to copy or modify the banners in any way. [...] You are also prohibited from creating your own Bill Me Later or PayPal banners to place on your site, unless authorized by PayPal in writing."

If you intend to create a checkout button that incorporates a Bill Me Later logo or banner, we'd strongly recommend contacting PayPal Financing to clear it with them first:
