10 / 10
Sep 2013

Because different tokens are not available in both the individual and common thank you pages, there's no way to build up a invoice that contains name, date, transaction id, invoice id, items, price, discounts, gross, tax, total. Some are in one thank, some in the other.

I would have imagined that an e-commerce site would have been able to provide this on each order, but it seems impossible.

Will this be rectified?

  • created

    Oct '10
  • last reply

    Sep '13
  • 9


  • 1.8k


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Bear in mind that there aren't really "individual" thank you pages in most cases. The thank you page that is displayed after an order and linked from the common thank you email contains the edits for both the common and product specific thank you pages all on one single page.

If your intention is to have that page display as a sort of invoice that contains complete product data for the entire order, just use each tag in the place where it is intended. For example, [%invoice%] and [%gross%] would be set in the common thank you page HTML settings via Seller Admin > Edit Account Preferences; and all product specific tags such as [%price%] go in the "Message (HTML)" section of each individual product's settings.

The end result would be a thank you page that displays data relevant to the entire order and item specific settings in a breakdown.

So essentially I'm mixing both pages together?.. That sounds like a goer! Thanks.

I've done this, but the problem is you can't control what comes first, so it's really not possible to get it exactly right. For instance, the Invoice ID is the common page and appears below the individual product page.

Really it needs to be in this order

Company details/invoice ID/TXN ID/Date

Customer Details



General blurb.

Which isn't possible.

True, it's not possible to format the entire thank-you page in exactly the order you want from top to bottom, so all we can recommend using our service as-is would still need to work within the order of content given, where each product is itemized with its custom Message (HTML) and item-specific template tags first, followed by Common HTML and template tags for data about the order in general.

Bear in mind that we don't handle any actual payment funds at any point, so it's really not our place to generate a payment receipt or invoice for funds we never touched in the first place. The buyer typically does receive a payment receipt email sent from the payment processor independently of us. You could also use our Integration feature to send the order data to a custom script at your end that could send or display a more complete invoice in whatever format you wish:


If you want to hire someone to develop such a script for you, we can recommend the competent, E-junkie-experienced developers listed at the Developer Directory link at the very top of our site.

An invoice is a request for payment, and as such has no bearing on whether or not e-junkie handles the actual funds.

I wouldn't exactly call Paypals receipts pretty or even human readable. Very obviously machine written, and they don't supply VAT numbers etc. which some of my customers need.

2 years later

We do now have a help page providing more detailed instructions for customizing your E-junkie-generated thank-you pages to resemble an invoice in the sense of an itemized bill or order summary:


An invoice in the sense of a request for payment is irrelevant to our service, since by the time our service processes an order, the buyer has already paid for it, and we have no way to build an order that would be submitted to the buyer for approval and subsequent payment before we actually process the order.