1 / 4
Feb 2008

I followed all of the 2checkout instructions and still am getting an error after someone has entered in their billing info and click the button to make payment. The payment goes through but they are taken to an error screen. I set up a test product and tried it. The error said, "error 004" that was all that was on the page. Now the prodcut ID of the test product is 4 but I don't know if that was a coincidence or not. Please help.

  • created

    Feb '08
  • last reply

    May '10
  • 3


  • 1.1k


  • 4


E-junkie does not work with "test" or "sandbox" mode of any payment processor for security reasons.

2 years later

Guys I've got the same issue but NOT with a demo purchase.

Had a normal purchase coming through, the funds received and in my 2CO account etc. but e-junkie gave error 004 and didn't register the sale.

Would appreciate greatly if someone could help me.



That error indicates your 2CheckOut secret word in your E-junkie Seller Admin doesn't match what you've got in your account at 2CO's end. Changing your Secret Word to match at both ends (ideally using copy-paste to make sure they're the same) should fix the issue.