Hello all, I am attempting to market ebooks with E-junkie.com on my website philduke.weebly.com. If anyone else has tried to do, or is currently doing Ebook marketing with E-junkie, please let me know your experience. Any and all information and suggestions are welcome.
As an incentive I am making all the ebooks on my website available on a "Buy one get one Free" basis. The ebooks are the same price as those I have listed for sale on Amazon.com. Barnes and Noble.com, and Kobo.com. A customer can buy a low priced ebook. and get a higher priced one Free. If you like to read ebooks, this is a good deal.
Ebook quality is emphasized, and all ebooks offered on my site are previewed by me, and are of Literary quality. There is a 48 hour Free Return available on all ebooks.
You are invited to email me on this subject, drpduke@wmconnect.com.
Dec '12
last reply
Dec '12
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