lemonbaris there code that can take me directly to paypal with e-junkie settings to make sure the correct item is purchased and responded to by e-junkie on the backend?
That is essentially how our Buy Now buttons already operate.
lemonbari do see a page on paypal that lets us set the item name and item number, price, etc. and then creates code for us.
That would be for PayPal's own cart/buy-now service, which has nothing to do with ours. By going with their code examples, you would essentially be abandoning our services entirely.
FWIW, although our service has been operating at normal speed today (requiring only a fraction of our full-load capacity), I am aware of widespread routing glitches, bottlenecks and traffic jams across the Internet today -- Cox.net cable-internet subscribers in particular seem to have been rather harshly affected. Perhaps a major backbone provider had some issues today, which shunted more traffic onto other backbones which got more jammed than usual, etc. -- sorta like when a major arterial street gets closed due to a major accident or construction, so all the nearby side streets and minor arterials get jammed with the detoured traffic.