I would like to download new orders in excel using visual basic.
Right now I have to log into E-Junkie, click on the download transaction buttons, wait for the transaction log page to load, then click on "past 7 days", then click the "download log" button, wait for the zip file to down load, open it, highlight new orders, copy, and finally paste into excel. This is a pain in the ass and makes it harder for me to hand off the task to employees.
Perhaps this could be best done by new orders being posted to a file on my server. Or, if there was somehow a link that had variables (for account and transaction date range) that downloaded data from your server in xml form or something to that effect.
I hate to think that this will be just a another feature added to a list that never gets looked at. How are other people managing orders? I have an excel program with several macros that allow me to process orders more efficiently (ie send shipping confirmation emails and print packing slips). Anyone?