1 / 7
Jun 2012

Hello Experts:

The download link sent to customer automatically when checkout.

Does any password protected?

and which type of password do customer use before download?

Thanks in advance.

  • created

    Jun '12
  • last reply

    Jun '12
  • 6


  • 1.2k


  • 5


  • 1


Hello E-Junkie Experts:

1.I read some where in this web that download link keep changing for different customer? is it like this?

2.How to protect if customer send link to other people who not buy but just download?

I ask this because I am interested E-Junkie service.

Each buyer will get a unique download link. The download link we provide will expire after a set number of download attempts or a set amount of time which ever comes first. By default those are set to five days and five attempts, although you can change those setting. Since the download links expire it does make it more difficult to send a download link to a second person.

Is the download link sent to buyer's email or it's redirect buyer to e-junkie download page? and is it immediately after payment or some delay period?

After the buyer finishes checkout, and once the payment processor notifies us they have completed the buyer's payment, we grant the buyer access to a thank-you page we generate for their transaction, where we automatically present their unique download link(s).

Upon completion of payment, we also send the buyer a thank-you email message with a link to reach their thank-you/download page in case they did not proceed there after checkout, or in case they could not proceed because the payment processor was still working on their payment for a while after the buyer finished checkout.

Hey guys

The download link is not password protected and the each buyer has the unique link and the download link expires after some period.For more information visit this site.
