20 / 43
Oct 2011

Apologies for my delay in following up on this.

If ConsoliByte could forward the data to another URL after they receive it, that might work, or you could write your own middleman script to receive data via the Common Notification URL, and then that script would simply resend the data to ConsoliByte and whatever other script(s) you require.

It is not possible to specify a Payment Variable Info URL via the button code; this can only be defined in the product's settings in Seller Admin.

View Cart button code follows a common format, where XXXXXX here is the seller's E-junkie client ID:

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&cl=XXXXXX&ejc=2" target="ejejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this);"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejview_cart.gif" border="0" alt="View Cart"/></a>

Add to Cart code for items not using Variants/Variations also follows a common format, where XXXXXX here is the client ID and YYYYYY is the Item Number:

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=YYYYYY&cl=XXXXXX&ejc=2" target="ejejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this);"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejadd_to_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart"/></a>

The "WP E-junkie" plugin takes advantage of all that and has the seller simply provide their Client ID in the plugin settings and specify only an Item Number in the "shortcode" used to insert an Add to Cart button in content posts. For products using Variants/Variations, it just has them paste in their button code from Seller Admin, which is a bit more complex to accommodate option menus/fields:

<form action="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=YYYYYY&cl=XXXXXX&ejc=2" target="ejejc" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">

[menu/field code for product options goes here]

<input type="image" src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejadd_to_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this.parentNode);"/>


Note the difference between "Variants having individual price/etc." vs. "Variations which tell more...": while menu values for Variants must exactly match the values given in the product's Define Variants screen, the menu/field values for Variations can be completely arbitrary and don't even require Variations to be enabled or defined in the product settings (we only use those to generate the button code). See related tips here:


If ConsoliByte could forward the data to another URL after they receive it, that might work, or you could write your own middleman script to receive data via the Common Notification URL, and then that script would simply resend the data to ConsoliByte and whatever other script(s) you require.

i think in the future i will opt for "middleman" as it is more independent solution i can control on my side.

The "WP E-junkie" plugin takes advantage of all that and has the seller simply provide their Client ID in the plugin settings and specify only an Item Number in the "shortcode" used to insert an Add to Cart button in content posts.

typing shortcode is not that easy for some users (personal experience), i will provide them with a single textarea to paste the add to cart button for the current product. That's all they need on wordpress product pages (the view cart and some other essential stuff will be controlled from plugin settings). As for adding e-junkie buttons to wordpress you may simply paste them into post content, wich works fine as well.

Forms will be integrated in the next version of the plug (i was asking this for future, as making this thread be my personal ressource list)

Now the buttons :

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&cl=XXXXXX&ejc=2" target="ej ejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this);"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ej view_cart.gif" border="0" alt="View Cart"/></a>

this html will throw some errors in xhtml strict 1.0, will it affect button functionality if i remove / replace

target="ej_ejc" (how can i valid this, any javascript to add target argument here?)


thanks for the links

Note the difference between "Variants having individual price/etc." vs. "Variations which tell more...": while menu values for Variants must exactly match the values given in the product's Define Variants screen, the menu/field values for Variations can be completely arbitrary and don't even require Variations to be enabled or defined in the product settings (we only use those to generate the button code).

... which means the user has to add/enable variants in e-junkie admin before sending the data with button code for the product having variants with indivudual price/etc

and no such need for variations...

did i get this right?

Yes, you're correct on the differences between Variants vs. Variations.

Regarding the target="ej_ejc" attribute: in case the buyer has JS disabled in their browser, the cart buttons would normally operate in "fallback" mode by showing the cart in a separate window/tab, as specified by that target attribute. You could remove the target, but then if JS is disabled, the cart buttons could only show the cart by navigating away from the site page in the same window/tab. In this case, we change the cart's Continue Shopping button into a Go Back button, but some buyers may still find this confusing e.g. if they absent-mindedly close the cart window and can't find their way back to the site.

Interestingly, target attributes have never been part of any HTML/XHTML "strict" standard, only in HTML/XHTML "transitional" or "frameset" specs:


If you are not expecting your page source to reside within XML data nor be parsed by XML tools, you may not really need to use XHTML at all:


Thanks for your reply.

The XHTML Strict 1.0 is the format used by Thesis http://creersitepro.com/voir/thesis/ and i develop mostly for that wordpress theme (as it's the one i find most flexible for professional projects)

i see the main dilleme : to loose some % of sales or not to loose... in this case i'll change the doctype to transitional on product pages and provide a checkbox in plugin settings to replace target attribute by rel="external" + some java to open it in a new tab and leave the doctype as is.

14 days later

Half way there.

Now wp has a store section to publish product pages, organise catalog and wp understands the data received from e-junkie (opens accounts for clients in automatic mode, registers transactions and orders) .

see example http://store.creersitepro.com

discount code for testing product :





q 8 - related to 3rd party scripts notifications

a) can http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/oplug.php? be used on on common notification url / payement variable url or both ?

b) can aweber integration with http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/oplug.php?

&aweber=LISTNAME@aweber.com be different on common notification url from payement notification url -

say, i want all customers be subscribed to one common list on aweber, and at the same time, one of my products needs to use a secondary aweber list for its buyers... logically i set common list to common notification url , and product payement variable url needs to be set as well and contain a secondary aweber list parameters. Do i get it right?

c) Passthru

c1) does passthru works on both payment variable url and common notification url ( can i use http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/oplug.php?

&postto=http://www.yoursite.com/yourscript.ext on common notification url?)

c2) can postto= argument be an array ? or how do i do if i need common notification url send data to 2 different scripts via your o_plug.php script ?

This one is needed to integrate data treatment feature in wordpress site (to open client account automatically and manage orders) and simultaniously be sent to consolibyte.com script to be integrated into Quick Books software further on for accountancy. I do understand that this is rather tricky and could be simply done with my script be "middle man" ... but imagine you have wordpress users to create + quick books + aweber + swift cd .... ? not sure i can code all this. A double postto would solve the thing with a less than 10 lines of php ( Common Notification Url generator on my side, providing a link to be used in e-junkie admin)

thank you so much for your support,


Yes to all except your inquiry 8c2) -- we do not support an array of URLs at present; in that case, you would send the data to the single URL of a middleman script that forwards the data to other scripts, or you could put one URL in the Common Notification URL field and another URL in relevant products' Payment Variable Info URL field(s). I've asked Development to consider whether we could easily enough support multiple postto= parameters in the same Integration URL field.

Also, note that you only need to use the postto= passthru method if you are already using the o_plug.php URL in that field with other parameters for our other built-in integration methods such as aweber=. If you just want us to POST the data to an external script URL, you can put that in the field directly without using o_plug.php?postto=.

Perfect !!! Men, you have just saved a grand for me.... !!!!

Now third party integration codes can work smoothly on practically any self hosted wordpress installation. All i need to do is to code a notification url constructor in the plugin settings .

Example :

aweber (common notification list) + wordpress data treatment script + quick book integration = only one url to construct using multiple postto[]


PS BTW if the final user does not need to relay data to any other script than wordpress - the notification url constructor will output direct link to listening script eg :


thus your servers will not be overloaded for nothing

question 9 - do i need to respond/send back to your data sending script? or i just exit execution once the data is treated in wordpress ?

8c2) -- solved , just finished the notification urls constructor script.

Features :

construct commmon notificatio url to use in e-junkie.com admin

aweber list is integrated (text input for aweber list name),

up to 3 additinal urls to receive data (3 text inputs for urls)

if no aweber list or additional urls - gives direct data treatment script url.

just tested - postto[$number]=$url works perfectly (got two accounts registered on 2 different sites with my plugin)


sign @ in aweber is encoded into %40 by wordpress add_query_arg() function, will it still work in your o_plug.php script? (same for multiple e-mails)

example url constructed :


So, as of today (2011/10/10) the beta version 0.0.7 of E-Junkie Store for WordPress is ready to provide basic functionalities :

Create Product Pages

Create Catalog of all Products

Receive and treat data from e-junkie.com to :

a) open client account for buyers in your wordpress site (automatically register user) and fill in their profile forms

b) register transaction in wp database

c) register order (printable) in your wp database

d) track buyer's purchases and orders, total spent amounts

e) automatically relay received data to external services such as ConsoliByte (integrate into QuickBooks software), Aweber, multiple e-mail notifications

No shortcodes stuff (simple boxes on edit product screen to paste add to cart/ buy now button codes) - thus the plugin will display the needed buttons itself accordigly to your store settings.

Some other user friendly features in the admin.

The current version of the plugin misses some "shiny painting" (comming soon) but is really simple to install and configurate to provide a solid wordpress/e-junkie solution to sell downloadable and "no-options" products (more functions are coming). Fully integrated in wordpress admin and as i know (I've spent a couple of years searching for this wordpress functionality) - is exactly what a regular small online business needs to integrate e-junkie store into wordpress site.

Now i need testers - if you are interested to get the beta of the plugin for free (it will be sold around 50 euros = 65 $USD later), you have exactly 21 day to contact me to get it.

You may reach me here :

serge liatko

Biarritz France

+33 (0)6 50 45 34 36

webdesign : http://creersitepro.com/

twitter: http://twitter.com/SergeLiatko/

facebook: http://facebook.com/serge.liatko/

get ready for 35% affiliate program for this plugin.

About the price of plugin development - the basic structure of the plugin was coded in around 20 days and payed by a client of mine as much as 1300 euros (so you may use it as a review argument for affiliate sells from your blog)



PS my aim is to split the market part taken by wp e commerce plugin (oh, boy, headache with their "templates" and post_meta fields as soon as one get out of a poorly coded theme)

PPS @e-junkie team : guys, any news on recurrent payment integration in e-junkie?


current (0.0.9) version constructs Payment Variable Information URLs for individual items

supports :





Multiple E-mail Notifications

3rd Party Script data relay

here is the link to screenshot of how it looks in the admin on edit product screen :


One thing to be aware of re: &postto=/&postto[]= URLs -- it cannot properly handle URLs that have their own &name=value query string parameters, since those would be interpreted as parameters on our o_plug.php URL itself. I've asked Development to consider whether we could support urlencoding such query strings (e.g. %3F for ?, %26 for &, %3D for =, etc.). Speaking of urlencoding, you could test that for the Aweber method by using your own email address, since that pre-integration method just sends the specified email address a subscribe-this-person email formatted to Aweber's requirements.

9) You should at least return a proper HTTP status (e.g. 200 OK) acknowledging the transmission; if the HTTP session just exits without any return status, or if it returns an HTTP 500-class server error status, we would email a notification about that to the seller's E-junkie Login Email. BTW, if the script should also return actual output for the buyer to receive, you can use our Send Generated Codes feature instead of Integration to have us forward that output to the buyer:


We really do appreciate your efforts in developing this plugin; as soon as you confirm it's ready for public release, we can link to your page (will you have a page in English available? :^) from the WordPress section of our sites/blogs help page:


Re: your inquiry about recurring payments, that matter is covered briefly here:


To expand on that, the main challenge with supporting such a feature is that presumably the buyer doesn't want to keep receiving the same download they got with their first payment, nor would any sellers want to provide that, and at present that's all we could actually do with notifications of each recurring payment.

Even if we added support for sending orders to checkout that would initiate a recurring payment plan, we have nothing built into our fulfillment system that could provide buyers and sellers with anything of value for those periodic payments -- e.g., tracking membership/subscriber status, administering access to a members-only system, scheduling periodic mailings/downloads, etc. In order to make support for recurring payments a useful feature, we'd need to develop all of those fulfillment features from scratch, without which support for recurring payments alone is only half a solution that's no solution at all.

While we do use PayPal Recurring Payments to manage subscriptions for the use of our own services, that isn't integrated with our cart or order-processing system at all. We just provide Subscribe buttons that help our sellers set up a payment schedule in their own PayPal account, telling PayPal to send us the same amount every month, so we just passively receive those payments to mark the seller's account as active for another month.

Thanks for your answer. Once the plug is done i'll get closer to this feature. As for now, i have just some ideas in that area (not sure that be a kind of helpful for you) :

what we have :

Seller (willing to sell subscriptions)

Buyer (willing to get subscribed and ready to pay reccurent fees)

Subscription (as a product type, totally independant from any other product types you support for the moment) - subscription itself has the value only if payment data is treated as it should be : means seller is capable to receive successful payment notifications to start/update buyer's account, and update/suspend buyer's account if the recurrent payment failed (can you manage failed payment notifications?)

Product/ url notification managment system - E-junkie

Payment systems supporting recurrent payments and sending notifications to E-junkie on success/failure ( like PayPal or if there are any others)

Seller's script capable to receive/treat data from e-junkie and fulfill actions on different type of notifications (eg open an account for buyer, update buyer's status on payment failure etc)

If we take the example of paypal -

would be nice to have "subscription" as a new e-junkie product type with item number generated especially for subscriptions (thus you separate products and subscriptions)

the button type you may provide for sellers would be "subscribe" (configured from within e-junkie admin) acting pretty much as buy now button (no add to cart) and redirecting to the checkout page (paypal recurrent payment checkout)

where you include subscription item number to paypal, so that it sends data to your script.

your script (you will sertainly need a separate listening script for subscriptions) will treat and translate the data received from paypal - then send translated data to seller's script

seller's script will take actions accordingly the data received from you. No feed back.

Once done, next step is to create the "unsubscribe" button... or may be it would be wise to develop them in the same time.

Actually this can be done without bothering e-junkie, with paypal only. But their "handshake" (sending data back and forward to confirm it comes from paypal) is too complicated for average website owner. Your "handshake" can be managed easily, and thus can be implemented on a bigger amount of websites. So recurrent payment feature managed by e-junkie would be so much easier to integrate into wordpress or other CMS.

Forgotten to mention your affiliate programm feature.

This is the most important point of why I would like to see a "subscribe" button done by e-junkie team !