E-junkieGuruFirst, regarding ConsoliByte QuickBooks integration for E-junkie, they are a third-party service that we don't know much details about, but I gather they would provide their clients with a Common Notification URL to use in their E-junkie settings, so the order data for each transaction would simply get POSTed to ConsoliByte's integration script after payment completion.
I'll get their account to see their script and/or their way to integrate e-junkie, maybe their script could be the "middle_man"
2 - 2.1 found the solution : loop the counter through item_numberX to count how many different items i have in the cart and through quantityX to see each quantity of separate items
3 solved
4 solved . I will get ej product name from add_to_cart /buy_now buttons and use it as internal wordpress reference saved in database, this way the listening script will connect IPN item_number with wordpress $post->ID for further treatment. A sort of converter e-junkie product number = > wordpress product ID
5 easily solved within the plugin (i will use filters to manage view cart button output so that it stays valid in xhtml strict 1.0 and put YOUR script just before </body>), this will help user to add view cart button only once in the plugin setting page and forget about it (as it is unique to ej user).
For add_to cart / buy now / buynow URLs the user will have separate boxes to input button html on edit product screen in wordpress admin (this way the plugin may do further modifications accordingly product settings)
6 last question : is it possible to send the url of item specific listener alog with the button url ?
I really do not want users to be forced to enter "Payment Variable Information URL" on each product. I'd like to send this "Payment Variable Information URL" variable with add to cart button. Thus i could have them be generated by wordpress and receive "Item Specific Non-IPN Data" for treatement... any idea on that?
7 yes one more left : i think it would be easier on my side to have buttons with variants as forms $_POST to add to cart. Any pointer here in forums on that? Thus the user may configurate variants in wordpress admin only without being forced to modify it twice (wp + ej) in the admins.
Thanks for you time,