Is there a way I can have the credit card logo show up without having Paypal Pro? The reason being is that I have a Paypal business account and the customer can pay using a credit card as is, without having to register for Paypal.

I would like both the Paypal logo and the credit card logo do be directed to the same page, but basically it would give the customer recognition that I accept credit cards.

  • created

    May '09
  • last reply

    May '09
  • 1


  • 1.0k


  • 2


  • 2


The "Pay with Credit Card" checkout buttons are only available when the buyer is paying you directly with a card using PayPal Pro or Authorize.Net, not when using a "middleman" payment processor like PayPal where the buyer actually pays PayPal with their card and then PayPal pays you an equivalent amount.

You may want to inquire with PayPal if/how they and Visa/MC might allow you to post card logos or logo'd checkout buttons on your site even if you're not the one accepting card payments directly, and then you could add the logos to your site pages, or even insert the logos into the cart by adding these lines to your View Cart code on every page just before the "// -->" line:

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {

// Will replace the PayPal checkout button image:

jQuery("#btnPP").attr("src", "");

// Adding a custom image to the cart:


"<img border=0 src=''>");
