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Jun 2010

Hi - I sell electronic goods with auto delivery, but would like to know the city, state, country of my customers for tracking and marketing purposes. I use the EJunkie Add to Cart Buttons. I also really don't understand the whole IPN (or whatever it is) thing with Paypal.

Is there a way to get the customer's location sent to me? Is this an EJunkie setting or Paypal one?

Thanks in advance for any assistance...!

  • created

    Jun '10
  • last reply

    Oct '19
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You would need to enable the Shipping/Buyer's Address setting in Seller Admin for each product that you want to trigger collection of the buyer's address during checkout, even if you won't be adding any extra Shipping charges to their order.

When we process the sale for you after payment is completed, the buyer's address will be provided in the Sale Notification email we send you and also saved to your E-junkie Transaction Log (in your Seller Admin ) for future reference.

IPN (for Instant Payment Notification) is how PayPal sends the order data back to us when they confirm they've completed payment for an order. You may appreciate this forum discussion explaining how our online ordering process works in "layman's terms" using real-world analogies you may already be familiar with:


You shouldn't normally need to concern yourself with IPN using our service, as our cart and buttons automatically send our IPN requirements to PayPal with every checkout. Just make sure you follow our PayPal integration requirements described here:


Thank you so much! I just checked the box for Shipping/Buyer's address. Do I need to change the Add to Cart button on my site now or is this automated?

Thanks for the great answer!

As long as you don't change the product's Item Number, Variants/Variations settings, or Suggested Price (if you enabled Let Buyer Edit Price), then you won't need to replace any button codes for that product.

Your View Cart button code is the same for all your products, so that isn't affected by product settings at all, and you only only need one View Cart button for each entire page with any number of Add to Carts.

If you sell a digital delivery item and have Shipping/Buyer's Address checked, it will charge them shipping, but then send the code.

I just had to refund a customer $5.25 for a digital delivery code which required Shipping/Buyer's Address.

That would only happen if your Cart Shipping Settings are configured to do so. If your Cart Shipping Settings have a Handling fee, or if you have Shipping Rules that charge a Flat or "Price per unit" rate, then those charges will be applied to every order for items with Shipping/Buyer's Address enabled.

If your Cart Shipping Settings are set up with Shipping Rules that use USPS/UPS rate-lookups or a custom "Price per unit weight", then you can still collect an address for a digital product but exempt it from shipping charges by setting the product's shipping weight to 0.00, and make sure you choose a Packaging Type that does not have a Cost or Weight defined in Cart Shipping Settings.

1 year later


What if you are selling e-products and don't really need a buyer's street address (country and state suffice). Can I make it such that the street address is not mandatory, so that they feel they aren't having to give so much information when nothing is being physically shipped to them? Or is this mandatory because it has to do with verification of the credit card they are using?

Thanks so much!

You can just leave Shipping/Buyer's Address disabled in the settings of each product that should not engage shipping fee calculation nor trigger collection of a shipping address during checkout.

In the case of card-based direct payments using Authorize.Net or PayPal Website Payments Pro, a billing address would be requested to verify cardholder identity, as is typical for that payment method.

8 years later


We have the following issue. We need to collect the invoice address for our accounting, but when we check "Require Buyer's Shipping Address" for our product, our cart looks as in the image attached below.

We have tried to edit it to make it amenable to our needs, but we are not able to. So I was wondering if you can give us a hand. Here are the issues.

  1. There is no shipping so we tried to remove any place where it read Shipping. That's why we replaced it with Tax Rate, and noticed that the tax rate appears both on the left side and on the right. Ideally we would want to delete tax rate from everywhere and hide it entirely.
  2. A "/" always appears in the title on the right side, how can we get rid of it?
  3. Can we get rid of that big green "Calculate Your Tax Rate" button?
  4. We noticed that if that button isn't pressed, then they get an error message and can't proceed to checkout with PayPal. The error message says "Please Calculate Shipping" which makes no sense after we changed the texts. We found no way to change this error message.
  5. Why does it only ask for country and postal code? We need full address.

How could we get this sorted to our purposes? Thanks!

The buyer's name, email address and street address are always collected during checkout. The country/postal in the shopping cart is only to estimate tax and/or shipping before the buyer proceeds to checkout.

If you don't actually need to calculate tax/shipping, and if you only expect buyers to purchase one item at a time (rather than placing multi-item orders), your simplest solution would be to use a Buy Now button, which skips the cart to take buyers directly to instant checkout for a single item:

That said, if you need to keep using our Cart buttons for multi-item orders or some other reason, or if you're selling from a Shop in our Marketplace or using our Product Card (which all use Cart buttons), you should be able to blank-out any undesired text labels in the cart by entering   for that label in your Cart Preferences. For the Calculate Tax/Shipping button (which you'd customized as Calculate Your Tax Rate), that button cannot be removed when a shipping address is required, so we might suggest customizing that to say something descriptive like Set Your Location, or maybe Apply Country & Postal Code.

The Please Calculate Shipping error cannot be customized, but since many sellers require a buyer's address without calculating shipping, I've suggested to Development that we should change this error to Please Specify Country & Postal Code