2 / 4
Mar 2012

I purchased someone else's websites a few months ago, and he already had two e-junkie accounts set up. So, in addition to this account, I now have 3 accounts. Eventually, I'd like to edit the websites so that the purchase links all fall under my main e-junkie account. My question is that if I cancel the service through e-junkie on the two other accounts, are those e-junkie accounts no longer accessible? I'd still like them accessible for data, sales history, etc. Thanks!

  • created

    Mar '12
  • last reply

    Mar '12
  • 3


  • 1.2k


  • 3


Product settings and uploaded files would be deleted 30 days after missing a subscription payment for the accounts you'll be deactivating, but the transaction log is persistent, so you would always be able to log into those accounts and view past order details.

Lol, oops, posted that from the wrong account, haha. Thanks so much!