Our cart buttons on your site appear to be working fine from here, so it's just your own IP(s) that were blocked from using our cart buttons. I have now unblocked the IP you provided above and the last IP you logged into Seller Admin from. The IP block would also have expired after 24 hours without any manual intervention from us.
Your IP may have become blocked if you'd been hitting some invalid E-junkie purchase URLs too often in too short a span of time -- e.g., if you customize any products' Item Numbers without replacing their button code in your site, repeatedly testing the old buttons in your site could resemble certain types of hacking activity and trigger a block on your IP. This could also happen if any computers using your IP happen to be infected with certain malware that is hammering away at our button URLs (typically all computers using the same LAN or Wifi router share a common public IP that their router presents to the Internet at large).
Apologies for our delay in responding; we don't monitor this forum as constantly as our Helpdesk email queue, so for urgent matters we recommend emailing Support directly, via the Contact link at the top of our site.