I have been using e-junkie for about 2 years and so far its been great.
Recently I came across a really frustrating issue with affiliate management. I don't really think affiliates page have been under development much, the only features are offered on affiliate pages are
* Undelete affiliate
* extra percentage
We have around 800 active affiliates and i had to increase affiliate rate for 5-6 affiliates. At first i thought it would be easy as i could use their id to search, but nope, there was no option on affiliate management page to search by their id.
Then i thought i will have them sorted by their email and alphabetically I'll find the page and increase their affiliate share, sort worked fine, but when I clicked on page 2, it forgot about sorting and started to give random affiliate names again, like it was never sorted.
I had to go one by one over 17 pages of affiliates, find them one by one, increase their afiliate share, even while doing that when an affiliate share was updated, page jumped back to first one didnt remember where it was, and each affiliate had to be updated one by one. If there were two affiliates on same page, i couldn't find an option to update them together, they had to be updated separetely
Basically a work that would normally take around 10 min using affiliate search with id, took about 3-4 hours