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Apr 2009

I am offering a service for sale through the shopping cart. So when I'm paid, I'll manually ad people to our program. If they sign up, I'm offering a free copy of our ebook. We have 4 different services that we are offering (so 4 products), but the ebook will be the gift for each purchase.

Can I upload the ebook one time, or do I need to upload it for each product? (service)

  • created

    Apr '09
  • last reply

    Apr '09
  • 2


  • 718


  • 2


If it's the same eBook file for each product/service, you can just upload it once for the first product, then configure your other products in Seller Admin with the "Package files from other products" setting enabled, and that will display a product list where you would select the first product's eBook file.