We did not create this plugin, so you would need to contact the plugin developer with that feature request.
I suppose you could use the plugin's "E-junkie HTML" option which allows you to paste-in what HTML the [EJUNKIE_ADD2CART] short tag should insert for a given item, rather than letting it generate cart-button code on-the-fly based on your client ID and the item ID. Normally, this custom HTML option would be used for products with Variants/Variations (since the plugin cannot generate button code including the menus/fields for those options), but it might work with Buy Now button code as well.
However, I can say that pasting-in Buy Now button code that you obtain from Seller Admin is generally not a problem for WordPress as-is. This new plugin solves a particular problem affecting our cart-based button codes (not Buy Now codes) where WordPress can sometimes mangle the JavaScript parts of the code that are required make the cart work, if special care is not taken to avoid this. Since our Buy Now buttons bypass the cart entirely, they don't need to use any JavaScript, so WordPress doesn't normally cause a problem with the button code.
Hi Jupeto,
As Tyson stated above, you can use the [EJUNKIE_ADD2CART] short tag to display a "Buy Now" if you like.
Feel free to contact me with any questions here:
This has been a great plugin. Though it has been causing some issues with the admin panel lately, making dropdowns not work.
It would be nice if EJ would officially offer a plugin, or at least clean up their insert codes for WP. The official codes used in WP get easily broken if you do the slightest thing wrong in the page editor. I would venture to guess a good portion of their users use EJ on WP sites. Isn't time to clean things up a bit.
By "issues with the admin panel", do you mean Seller Admin? The WP E-junkie plugin does not interact with Seller Admin at all, so there's no possible way that plugin could be affecting the behavior of Seller Admin.
If the menus in Seller Admin itself are misbehaving, that suggests there was a connection glitch of some sort when your browser loaded the Flash for the Admin panel; usually that sort of thing can be resolved by clicking the "seller admin" link at the top of our site to reload a fresh copy of the Flash. This is one of the reasons we've been building a DHTML-based replacement for the current Seller Admin.
If the cart button menus in your page are misbehaving, that suggests some malformed HTML in the button code or, for items using Variants, possibly a mismatch between values in the menus vs. those in your Variants configuration. The WP E-junkie plugin provides a way to paste-in button code that you've copied from Seller Admin, rather than using the plugin's shortcodes for basic, no-menu Cart buttons.
Maybe I should have been more clear. The default code that you copy and paste is fussy when used in WP. It's easy to screw up the code be simply moving a line break or paragraph near it.
The alternate is the plugin for WP with simple short codes. This is clean and works really well, but it causes issues in the "WordPress admin panel". There seems to be an incompatibility. While the plugin does correctly insert the cart buttons, it breaks things with the "WP Admin" menus.
I'm not sure if EJ makes the plugin or someone else. I'd just like a better solution. Either a plugin that's updated or a cleaner copy and paste code that plays nicer with WP.
The WP E-junkie plugin was independently developed by a client of ours who saw a need for it. We would suggest contacting him with your concerns:
Our button code can be a bit finicky about proper nesting of HTML tags, regardless of WordPress, and especially so with the FORM-based button code used for Variants/Variations menus -- e.g., as explained here:
It helps to think of the start and end tags for various elements in HTML as defining the edges of a container; you can put containers inside or next to other containers, but one container cannot overlap or intersect with another container. This page goes into more detail:
The View Source Chart extension for Firefox (also developed by a fellow E-junkie client, as it happens :^) provides a handy way of visualizing this for the source code of any actual page:
This help page explains how to use our cart customization code:
If you're using the WP E-junkie plugin, that already adds the script portions of our View Cart code to every page automatically, so you can just add cart customization code to each page manually (e.g., perhaps in a common footer area), where it must be enclosed in SCRIPT tags like so:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function EJEJC_config() {
function EJEJC_shown() {
jQuery("#country1").attr("innerHTML", "Ship to Country");
jQuery("#state1").attr("innerHTML", "ZIP/Postal Code");
jQuery("#state2").attr("innerHTML", "Update Cart after entering");
jQuery("#dscnt_cd").attr("innerHTML", "Discount Code");
jQuery("#discount2").attr("innerHTML", "Update Cart after entering");
jQuery("#btnContShop").attr("value", "Continue Shopping");
jQuery("#btnUpdtCart").attr("value", "Update Cart");
jQuery("#EJEJC_closeWindowButton").attr("innerHTML", "<b>Close</b>");
Thank you for the response.
Actually, the issue is solved without using this plugin by replacing 'jQuery' by ''ejejc_jQuery.
I haven't tried the same workaround with the wp-ejunkie plugin although I'm sure the issue can be solved that way too.
You can see the other thread explaining this issue in:
Thank you again E-junkieGuru for the tip! Best regards,
Luis Garcia
Hi everyone,
It became too time consuming to maintain this plugin for free. I would be happy to turn the code over to the E-Junkie Crew. Just let me know if that is something you guys would like to do? Or if someone would like to make a considerable donation, I would be happy to spend some time on it and get it working again.
Seth Shoultes
At present, all our spare development resources are dedicated to the new Admin project, but perhaps once we complete that, we might be able to look into updating the WP E-junkie plugin.
Seth, might you be willing to hand off the plugin to another developer to update and maintain going forward? If so, I've got some candidates in mind to recommend.
We might consider adopting the WP E-junkie plugin or writing our own once we finish other major internal development projects for E-junkie itself. That said, adding E-junkie buttons to a WordPress site is extremely simple and typically trouble-free (especially if you use the Raw HTML plugin) -- just copy the ready-made button codes we provide and paste them into your WP pages/posts wherever you want the buttons to appear. This help page provides some tips you may find useful, including some tips for WP in particular:
Hi E-junkie guru,
If you don't join the wordpress community with a plugin soon I predict you will have difficulty competing for space in the wordpress arena. Woo commerce and easy digital downloads are already ahead of you making it easy to add a shopping cart to wordpress sites. As soon as I build out my new website and move into the wordpress site I will be using a different shopping cart than ejunkie. One that maintains all my product information and download information within my wordpress site.
Lou Anne
E-junkie should work fine with any WP storefront-builder theme or plugin, though if that comes with its own shopping cart functionality built-in, you'd need to disable or not use that cart, so you could use E-junkie cart buttons instead. You'd simply paste E-junkie button codes into your storefront's product descriptions.
The inherent nature of E-junkie as cloud-based "software as a service", which is centrally-managed on our servers and shared in common among all our sellers, means that it can never maintain all your product and download information entirely self-contained within your own Web site, whether you're using WP or otherwise. E-junkie will always require defining your product and cart settings at our end, regardless of how you manage product listing pages in your online storefront site.
You can at least store your download files on your own Web site server and have us pull the files from there to deliver securely to your buyers. This Remotely Hosted Downloads feature is included with plans that support digital products starting at $18/mo and up: