8 / 8
Jul 2012

Hey guys, just one question please. I am using OptimizPress with Wishlist Member for my Membership site and of course eJunkie as my payment gateway.

In the Wishlist Member Shopping Cart Integration Tab, Do I select PayPal as the Payment Gateway or the Generic Option for using eJunkie?

I would think that it would get set to PayPal seeing how eJunkie is using PayPal in my setup but I could use someone with some working knowledgeable advice in regards to this specifically.

I have contacted Wishlist Member but I am afraid that their Support gave me some round about B.S response that equated into providing absolutely no assistance to me what so ever!

Can one of you folks at eJunkie answer this basic question for me andf give me some working insight into what I need to do when using WishList Member with ejunkie??



  • created

    Jul '12
  • last reply

    Jul '12
  • 7


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Hi Cam,

E-junkie is not a payment gateway, so I'm not entirely sure we'll be able to do what you want us to do here.

We rely entirely on third parties such as PayPal to handle the money for each sale, but even though PayPal and some of the other services support recurring payments for memberships, our system can't handle recurring billing at all.

You may just need to work with PayPal directly for your Wishlist memberships, but if you have any single purchases to handle (such as for products or services that are delivered after one payment) then our cart could help with those without interfering with your membership setup at all.


I am actually a eJunkie customer.

I am not having a recurring monthly charge for my membership site and will be using eJunkie for a 1 time purchase .

My question is this....

I "CURRENTLY" have my eJunkie Account synced up to my PayPal Business Account, my question was do I select PayPal for the Payment Gateway Choice in WishList Member or choose their Generic Option?

Technically speaking, I would Assume that since eJunkie for my account is synced up with my Pay Pal Business account then I would choose "Pay Pal" as the Payment integration within Wishlist Member?

I am just looking for some clarification on this from eJunkie support.

Please post back and elude a bit further on this with me if you would be as kind

Thank you


Definitely choose PayPal for your WishList setup, that is not going to interfere with your E-junkie integration with PayPal at all.

When we send order information to PayPal we already include everything they need to know to get back to us regarding that transaction, so if WishList needs you to set anything up in your PayPal account that points to them directly you can do so safely without messing up your E-junkie cart.

Cool man!

I was actually leaning towards S2Member because their support is so fantastic but the I ended up going with Wishlist Member because S2Member generates it's own Pay Pal button codes so I just forsaw this as going to be a major pain in the ass to circumvent.

If you have anything to add on using S2Member and my assumption on the button code situation is wrong then please do comment. : )\

WishList Member Support seems like they have farmed it out to India or something considering they could not answer a basic question for me really makes me Leary of using or endorsing their products.

If you go with S2Member, you would probably just use the PayPal button code they provide, and that would simply bypass E-junkie entirely, without interfering with any other products you might be selling through E-junkie.

As for Wishlist Member, since we don't provide that software, we can't provide support for it, nor are we even familiar with it, but if you could describe in detail what role you'd need E-junkie to play with that solution, we could explain if and how that might be possible. For instance, if it depends on receiving PayPal IPN to confirm payment, you might be able to have our custom/3rd-party Integration forward the order details to their IPN script after we receive the original IPN from PayPal:


If you'd like some more direct assistance setting this up, we can recommend the competent, E-junkie-experienced developers listed in our directory here:


Hey E-junkieGuru,

Basically, I am just looking to use ejunkie for single purchases not recurring payments.

Here would be the exact scenario, I would offer 2 types of PDF Books on Virus Removal

Prooduct 1: $37.00 eBook for a Specific Virus Removal (No members Area Access)

Product 2: $97.00 eBook on Complete Professional Virus Removal Training with (access to members area)

So basically, I just want to be able to use ejunkie to handle both of these purchase requests seeing how they are Both eBooks and I need PDF Stamping to avoid Digital Theft and Torrent Sharing!

My primary concern at this point is, by using eJunkie in Tandem with Wishlist Member will I be opening myself up to People being able to sharing that Members area Registration Link for Access to all of the Protected Content?

If there is there is a Security Concern here that I may need to be aware of?

My primary interest and insistence of using eJunkie is well because you guys have great service and Provide PDF Stamping which to me is very important!

With over $300,000 invested in my education I am not interested in having an Open door for less then ethical people to distribute and share my Years of experiences on computer science to the torrent networks... PDF Stamping will curtail this type of B.S to an almost non existent issue.

If you're just providing a link to a registration page or using our Redirection feature to redirect buyers to that page, buyers could copy the URL of that page and share it with others, so you would need something built-into your registration page to prevent such direct visits -- some approaches for this are discussed here:


That said, you might consider using a membership solution that can already support at least PayPal IPN or better yet our IPN-style Integration feature in particular. Offhand, MemberWing is one such solution we're aware of; it's a WordPress plugin, and the vendor is actually an E-junkie client and specifically supports our Integration feature:


I also found something called Digital Access Pass that someone on WarriorForum mentioned as supporting E-junkie; here's their help page for that:
