If I use my own "Order Now" button instead of e-junkie's "Buy Now" button and use the URL (https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=xxxxxxx&c=single&cl=xxxxxx"target="ejejcsingle") out of the html to link my button to the checkout page, will that interfere with the Affiliate set-up?
The URL is the important part, you can safely use any other image you like to replace our default button graphics and everything will continue to work the same, even affiliate tracking.
BTW, the top of this help page explains the best way to modify our standard button codes to replace the button image with any custom button graphic or text link you wish:http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.custom.purchase-buttons.htmIf you prefer to use a link-maker widget, or need to place a bare link URL in plaintext email or anyplace you can't make an image or text link, this help page explains how to obtain the proper URL from your full button code:http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/tips.button-code.url.htm
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