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Sep 2016

Our Operations team is already aware of these upcoming changes and has our system prepared in advance to ensure a seamless transition. Since E-junkie is centrally-managed software, we handle back-end integration details like this for you, so no action would be required on your part; we'll have it all taken care of at our end. :^)

26 days later

E-junkie Crew, have the SSL Certificate Upgrades been completed? Are we "in the clear" and everything is working correctly? Is there any way to test it on our site?

Yes, in fact we added support for these new SSL standards quite some time ago, so they're in place and ready to go as soon as PayPal requires them, as has already happened for some of their integration endpoints by now. There's nothing you'd need to test, and the fact you're seeing us continue to process your orders would confirm everything is working fine, but feel free to place some test orders of your own if you wish.

Thanks. I honestly haven't seen many orders come through which is why I'm slightly freaking out. But it must be for another reason.

Appreciate your time and all you do! :slight_smile: